Conversation Between OceanEyes28 and RamesesII

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. I like this sudden splurge of topics from you it brightens my day. Keep it up.
  2. Saaaaweet thanks Ali I am going to go with the whole hundreds of years old Pharaoh image what do you think haha. Can't half tell I am bored. ;p
  3. d-d-d-d-d-done

    you are welcome.
  4. Awesome you do have the power, could I pretty please get my journal title changed from 'The end is nigh' to 'Scribes of a Pharaoh'

    Thanks smexy
  5. Haha I can change it. Whatchu need babeh?
  6. Also are you capable (ie you have the uncanny ability or power) to change a thread title? Or is that an admin deal.
  7. Happy birthday Ali I hope you had amazing day. Cheers
  8. What was on it? Is that salmon or something else. Were you and the boyfriend being treated to some luxury were you? with room service lol I think I might have to put that on the bucket list stay in a hotel and order room service.
  9. Yes I do know what was on it.

  10. I found you long lost sister,

    I swear you two have to be related.
  11. You don't warn enough or do your job properly.

    Just kidding I was just eavesdropping on your convo with Alpha.
    I like you, not in a sexual perverted way though
  12. Oh I edited it too as not to provide a bad influence for the new community of members.
  13. ROFL follow in nix's footsteps ah I don't think so haha so if I went and posted another spam post right now you would only give me a verbal warning. I was only kidding damn Americans never get Australian sarcasm tisk tisk.
  14. Well, I've already warned him for another short post and wanted to give him a chance to edit before I warned again. I'd do the same for you.

    And Loco is polling character limits. In my original post on the 7th, I said that starting that day I'd be giving out warnings. Pete also got one. But feel free to trumpet my bias across the forum. All the cool kids do it.
  15. Technically there is a loop hole in the five word post because Loco still has it to poll for 2 more days. So not fair che doesn't get an official warning you tell him to edit it right after you give me mine, I am so going to pig out on chocolate and ice cream right now I feel so depressed.

    Did I mention there is great need for sarcasm font.
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