Conversation Between Pete and LocoColt04

77 Visitor Messages

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  1. I LOL'd. Legit.
  2. Funny how things move forward, isn't it? Thanks to VMs (plus Likes), we're now talking about not having rep any more.
  3. Also as of 6 years ago, we hated the VMs.
  4. I refuse to let 10k be anything more than spectacular. Mostly because the first 8k happened in 3 years. Also, we have some gold in the past, and I'm trying to be very objective about everything
  5. I can't find time. I can find opportunities though!
  6. If possible, do find the time to change my name back to Pete. Thank you kindly, good sir.
  7. You definitely could have just left that as a comment.
    And yes, I agree. We are all about new messes.
  8. To respond to your journal, I just don't know man. These things have the strangest ways of working themselves out and of course, that gets us into all sorts of new messes. But we wouldn't have it any other way.
  9. Nice callout though. We don't even have basements in Texas. Ground shifts too much.
  10. well, the whole basement thing threw me for a loop. just had to be certain
  11. I'm not a serial rapist who died eight years after I was born, no.
  12. Are you John Wayne Gacy by any chance?
  13. I'm still waiting on Chad Q. Billingsley. Thank ya
  14. Haha, good man. Sounds like a nice little night
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