Conversation Between RamesesII and Dodie16

114 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hiya friend hope you are doing well.
  2. Hahaha sounds like that is reciprocated on my end haha life being boring and all.
  3. Heh, yeah. It's annoying, but if you can't laugh at yourself, then you're not allowed to laugh at anyone else. I guess I've lightened up since that conversation, but I still appreciate your words of wisdom. ^^ I'm doing well, thank you~ Not too much going on atm. My life is boring like that.
  4. @ Tele I don't know, Clint should know better but than he is who he is, sayian I don't think has a clue like you said though a bit obnoxious, really REALLY if that's the meaning you get out of Dodie's username than you really are small minded.

    Hiya Dodie I still remember the conversation we had a while ago about it, anyway hope you are doing well.
  5. Haha you better believe it.
  6. Rock on, you crazy Aussie!
  7. .........just going to quietly leave this here.
  8. Up to? Me? Nothing. Nothing at all. Kind of lead a rather uneventful life over here. ^^; It has been a while though. You and your sporadic bouts of activity here. Hope things are going good for ya. ^^
  9. Damn girl what have you been up to lately haven't talked in a while.
  10. Bahaha that's alright neither am I on never have the time to RP like I used to.
  11. :3

    Thanks~ And sorry about not taking you up on the RP date thing, though it was nice of you to offer. I'm not much of a writer.

  12. Love the user customization.
  13. Im serious I want to take you out on an RP date haha
  14. Oh, you~!

  15. Will you go out with me haha I heard your single.
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