Conversation Between Mallick and RamesesII

7 Visitor Messages

  1. By the way check our group out a noobie called MMM has posted multiple discussions that are the same i am giving him the benefit of the doubt and letting it pass because he maybe new in the forum business.
  2. Hey i am starting my tff family do you mind if i include you lol you will be my dragoon obsessed bro or something like that.
  3. How thing s going mate haven't talked to you in a while.
  4. I have some cool dragon pics as well.
  5. good good. hey can you get some nice dragoon pics for the group? i'd appreciate it much!
    *pulls out small flask* i got vodkaaaaa!!!
  6. haha pretty good hey lol how are you?
  7. Hm...a dragoon lover and my new freind tifa? talk about two birds with one stone!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7