Conversation Between RamesesII and Yoko

76 Visitor Messages

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  1. Awesome well let me know how you go this will be your first day today so fill me in when you finish work
  2. Thaaaaaanks! I'll probably update somewhere on whether I like it or not. We'll see.
  3. Grats on the job hope it goes well.
  4. No problemo just looking after my friends, I am good just getting over a flu.
    How are you? I hope your traveling fine anywhos.
  5. Heya Matty Boy. Thanks for the thanks bomb. I needed it. How are yah?
  6. Hey clean fun is 60% of what I was referring to . Yeah we'd be gettin our drink on mofo and hittin the pavement and charming up the ladies and takin them to a quiet abandoned alley mwhaha no not really. Righto I will get a baby sitter organized so the missus can come otherwise she may be a bit jealous
  7. Maybe I should change my username to Registered User or Mystery Man to suit my avatar.
  8. ? I don't know?
  9. Hey, questionmark guy, you having an identity crisis?
  10. You know you could just PM me rawr
  11. Sorry to disappoint but it isn't as cool as [email protected]
  12. Oo, are you actually serious? I'd be disappointed if you weren't.
  13. Hmmmmm its [email protected]
  14. What is it?!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 76
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