Conversation Between RamesesII and Diyala

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  1. what's wrong? hope you get better soon , anyway my request was already
    dropped inside the forums but no one seems to be able to do it and here it is

    I need some English audio files
    I have particular texts and I want someone to record them for me
    of course if you can
    I will send them to the one who would volunteer

    don't worry of saying NO If however you can't or busy
    Best regards
  2. I am not to bad at the moment I could be better feeling a bit sora and woozy for reasons unkown but I am still alive haha. Yes by all means ask away.

    Oh and I forgot to answer you previous question my kids are beautiful my youngest daughter and my son a very much like me but my eldest daughter is very much like her mother.
  3. Hello Rameses
    how are you ?
    Remember when I told u I'd love to ask you a favor?
    The friend whom I asked to do so apologized to me coz of some difficulties she faced . anyway, if it's ok with you may I ask mine ??
  4. Me too, I would be so glad to listen to what you say and I hope that you talk too much ^_^ like me , languages and learning them are from the most interesting things , for me I consider it as the matter of solving puzzles when I start to reveal the mist that was covering many things I wasn't aware of and they were among the impossible to reach , I was passing like a kid who never give himslef a time to think of what was written down there and turned to contmplate the pictures drawn with a wish to be able to get the story of this and that picture , but step by step you will reach the top !


    Our Islamic holiday has just begun , It's for the Hajj pilgrimage
    People from all around the world come to perform the Hajj ritual,just seeing them coming from everywhere makes my heart flies out of happiness and I I wish to be with them , Insha'all when I get married I will perform Hajj .Right now I'm spending the holiday in Ryadh where my sister lives with her husband and two kids , they are just as cute as their aunt is (me)
    What about you and your kids ?
  5. I don't find it boring at all haha I love listening to you and what you have to say haha I would love to learn another language.
  6. thanks that sounds great somehow .... at least I make someone happy even for just moments ^_^
    hehehe, i knew why you smile , coz I'm talking alot about things that don't matter you I laughed too coz I myself noticed I'm typing too much and I look funny , huh
    and it's all coz of the process of learning and communicating, I try to tell u every thing or come with my problems or stories coz i want to communicate with you ,heh sorry I know they're boring, but i woudn't do that if i didn't find polite people like you who listens and interact ...thanks man , i thought i'm bothering you
    I'm also interested in Freya and Dodie's company , they're so nice

    not perfect ! lol soon they will be though i donno what you mean by perfect ^_^
    hahah ok we say niether MOM nor Mum it's Ommie looks almost like Korean pronunciation , but kids say Mama , but sometimes when i want to play the role of kids i say mama haha just kidding with her
  7. Thats the way to do it though is to practice it as much as possible, I guess there is no piont in learning something if you don't use it a lot and if you didn't than than you wouldn't get better and you know the saying practice makes perfect.

    You know your so awesome I always love finding a message from you in my vm it always makes me happy you are such a kind hearted person but it also makes me smile when I actually read your message because although it isn't perfect no offence haha for some reason I like it that way and it makes me smile haha.

    And in answer to your question yes Australians do speak British english although that could be debated because a lot of english words are derived from other languges mainly Latin and Greek etc but yes we say Mum not Mom haha
  8. Oh thanks ,I think like I'm speaking to my beautiful bird
    alright I will tell you something coz I insist to be talkative since I'm so happy today
    In my class I speak English just like American coz in my opinion when I learn something I like to learn it perfectly , I'm not saying I'm perfect coz no one is so , but I try to make my speech as fluent as they speak , for sorrow my friends start thinking about me as if I'm showing off my abilities of speaking or something like that , that was funny anyway but I told them this is the way I love to be and since you listen to English speakers you will directly aquire the ability of speaking very well , I love it when non Arabic people speak our language very well and that would got me amazed and I admire that really coz there are very very hard letters to be pronounced in Arabic that almost rarely non Arabic speakers can pronounce them , but if they did , we will admire that and also be glad to see our language spoken by foreigners correctly and that's why I love to speak English as cool as you do ^_^
    But you speak British English aren't you?
  9. Thats what friends are for to back each other up
  10. Hahaha , I thought you ment that I'm suffering learning english , haha sorry , well that pleased me anyway coz after all I'm studying the thing I love and I'm still fighting to overcome the difficulties byend it , You are one of those who backs me up !
  11. It means that you have the hang of it or understand and can use it effectively haha sorry I didn't realise when I typed that.
  12. Hey Hey Master I didn't know the meaning of the first sentence
    what's meant by down packed ?
    Oh yeah , I'm pretty well , But once I go to specific place I feel my health gets worst , I donno , When I have an oral presentation I feel Like I have a fever and my head is burning , even when I asked a friend to put her hand upon my forhead she said Oh, you're not ok at all ! Why you did attend if you're not well ,
    I said I didn't even know what's going on with me when i come to this place , I feel I'm Tired and want to lay anywhere , there are many things I don't know concerning myself , don't worry , I kmow you're not my Doctor but just like to get out such stuffs which worry me
    Why I'm talking too much ! may be coz I keep still all the time inside my class ^_^
  13. Haha I see that you have really got the english language down packed now, I have alwasy been told that honey helps a sore throat I always take it I think it is a ceartain chemial that numbs the nerves or something in your throat.
  14. The forum is pretty good ,I'm kinda confused about some courses in my university ,,,I hate linguistics and semantics , but ahhaa we are required to study them , well ..not too much but it really depends on the teacher himself to make the course interesting ...

    The wether is getting cold >_< and my throat hurts!
    my mother always asks me to have each morning a spoon of Honey , heavy honey to heal my throat , but its taste is horrible I can't stand it , so I flee hahah really sometimes I look like a child who doesn't know what's the right and useful
  15. Hey yeah the kids are really good, how are you going how are you finding the forum?
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