I got it from google, then I saved it on to my Computer, then I uploaded it.
No you didn't. You just told me to google, and that didn't help. You had to upload the picture to TFF from somewhere on your computer, right?
I would like the Other picture in it too...But I Don't exactly know what you mean by High Res picture of it...I gave you the link to the Original picture, where I got it from.
Oh, okay...Thx
Use the [img][/img] tag. Put the URL i provided in between the tags.
Did you read my post? I told you how.
Okay...I got it, but its a PNG File. How am I supposed to add it to my Sig? Could you give me the Steps on how to be able to put it in my Sig?
It's going all right. I made your signature request today. It's in the thread.
Hello Mistress Sheena How r u doing today?
Oh well. So, how is everything? How r u?
Meh. It was work. Nothing exciting.
LOL So how was Work?
Oh. Okay.. Well, whatever. =P Good morning. XD
thats odd...My computer said that you were online...So I just sent you a message.