Yeah they outlawed it because they can't handle it mwhaha but I do agree Union is a more international sport I would rather soccer though.
League is a sport for pansies. Except for the violent tackles, which NZ outlawed lol. Union is for champions. It's far more recognised internationally. Aussie Rules is soooo lame. I cannot stress that enough. Why bounce that stupid ball? Why do you have to pass by bunting it with your hand? Whoever invented it was on drugs at the time and did not expect it to be taken seriously.
I agree *barf aussie rules barf* and we are the best at league.
Why is it that when we beat the Aussies at Union, they all turn to League (or even... Aussie Rules *shudders*)?
Pfft I don't follow Union
Hmmm and now they are extinct. Just that alone says something about NZ that it isn't sufficient to support such a majestic creature. Now besides the Bald eagle which resides in America and the Harpy eagle (which mind you is the current largest raptor int the world) in Madagascar Australia has the one of the largest predatory raptors Wedge-tailed Eagle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the Wedge tailed Eagle which mind you is STILL ALIVE plus we have the Cassowary Cassowary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia although not a predatory bird it has the ability to disable and/or kill an adult human with a single blow from its powerful and sharp middle talon, however will only do so if cornered or threatened. Now onto the topic of my avatar the Peregrine falcon, I must admit your find of the EXTINCT specimen is quite impressive indeed, now my falcon may be small and not able to obtain prey larger than itself but by far it is the fastest predatory bird in the world and might I also add that it is the fastest animal in the whole world reaching and overcoming speeds of 320 km/h yes that's right 320 or 200 mph. Now although it is classified as the worlds most widespread bird living all over the world except extreme polar regions the only other ice free landmass that it is entirely absent from is yes you guessed it New Zealand. Now I must correct you on your example of the "Greatest killing machine", firstly let me ask you this what is the deadliest natural weapon in the animal kingdom 'Venom' and which country has the largest number of venomous animals 'Australia' here is a list of 25 of the most deadliest snakes in the world AVRU - Facts and Figures See how 20 are exclusively Australian and even the top ten are dominated by Australia, add to that the Blue ringed octopus, Irukandji jellyfish, Stone fish which resides in the Indo-pacific ocean which you will see is no where near NZ, the Olive sea snake also in the Indo-pacific ocean although it isn't one of the most deadly snakes its venom is extremely quick in taking down its prey as its prey consists of quick swimming marine life. Had enough I could go on we also have the Platypus, and varieties of Stingray. To conclude let me sum one point up, the most deadly killing machines of the animal kingdom are those that produce and use venom and which country has the largest population of venomous creatures, Australia. Last but not least I thought I would add this as a final blow meet my friend the crocodile native to Australia one of the oldest living species in the world apart from the Komodo dragon and other reptilian species, directly related to the dinosaurs believed to even to live through the dinosaurs and the extinction due to their efficient way of living and a very deadly adversary due to its extremely quick and stealthy way of hunting as the prey never knows it is being claimed by a crocodile and is completely unaware of its presence until it is to late. So in reply to your statement no that does not make me feel inadequate
How do I feel? Pretty good. You know why? 'Cause I just realised that your avatar is some sort of eagle or falcon. This should make you feel inadequate. Have a look at this. It's a Haast's Eagle. The biggest, largest, most bad ass mo' fo' eagle to have ever lived. And, naturally, was native to New Zealand. The greatest killing machine ever aside from the dinosaurs, and since birds are the evolutionary descendants of dinoasaurs, it's just the greatest killing machine. If it were still alive (it died because it hunted Moa, and Maori hunted Moa to extinction), it would prey on humans, and we wouldn't be able to do shit about it. "Haast's Eagle preyed on large, flightless bird species, including the Moa, which was up to 15 times its weight. It attacked at speeds up to 80 km/h (50 mph), often seizing its prey's pelvis with the talons of one foot and killing with a blow to the head or neck with the other. Its size and weight indicate a bodily striking force equivalent to a cinder block landing on a target from a height of 25 m (82 ft). Its large beak was used to rip into the internal organs and death was induced by blood loss." I hope your avatar feels useless.
Haha how do you feel you can't even pronounce your own country properly well to us anyway haha. Damn those god damn Dutchman.
Hah, back in like June (or something) apparently the Canterbury sunsets were beautiful, and up in the Alps the sky went orange, but I think lots got dropped in the Tasman. So the Tasman ate some Australian dust, which doesn't make sense, because you fed your dust to the sea named after a Dutchman. Stop feeding the Dutch! They'll change the name of New Zealand back to Nieuw Zeeland. And we already don't say it right. New Zulland.
So how you doing neigbouroonie. Did you get our dust over there if you did i could say eat my dust haha.
Yeah something like that.
Slammed her face in a door. So says Wikipedia (the fountain of all knowledge)
Lamb chop
Eh, no way? Tell me; was it Lambchop or Charlie Horse?