Conversation Between Ralz and RamesesII

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well i do fancy the title 'Kindness Saviour Dragoon' which i have adopted thanks to Kilala
  2. Right then, what shall I call you?
  3. Who said we were friends... im kidding yeah i would feel priviliged
  4. So anyway, since we're friends now, could I add you to my TFF Family?
  5. Yes thats true
  6. Well, that sucks. But, gotta follow the rules, we have them for a reason.
  7. I am surprised we didn't get all warnings for that i think nra4 took the brunt of it though thats why he isn't here much he is working off those warnings
  8. Oh well, at least it enjoyed a 30+ page long lifespan!
  9. Yes yes it did ah good times haha
  10. Yep. It had good intentions, well... until the final spam attack.
  11. Haha i know what you mean did you ever see nra4's count to 100 thread
  12. Alright then, just didn't want any confusion.
  13. Thanks Ralz i edited it with my current vote
  14. Oh, I'm fine. And how about you?
  15. Hey how are you?
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 31
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