Conversation Between Dawezy and RamesesII

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey buddy long time no see how are you?
  2. Gaming for most part, aside from slaving my arse off for Woolworths during the evening. It pays for all my essentials.. Austar, DSL, food, don't get out too often I prefer not to splurge my cash on things I don't really need. Probably why I lack the motivation to find myself a partner - dunno if I could take the nagging and drama man. I get enough of that from family members lol.

    And the regular alcohol consumption as you may have already figured out.

    Kinda hard to get out and enjoy myself asmuch as I could with this damn Epilepsy - don't have a license, or to put it better I don't want to drift off the road into a tree without knowing I'm already off the road.

    Ahh reality, how I hart thee. >_<
  3. It seems to haha, so what do you do for a living?
  4. Aslong as its working for ya ^_^
  5. Bahahaha I stopped buzzing well before I was married, everything I did was wasting money haha,I got kids too.
  6. Married? argh mate.

    Missin' the buzz lol

    Then again I'm 28 and never had a girlfriend, or am I married. Suppose I can't talk?
  7. Yeah BWS has that special every now and again my wife would kill me if I bought 70 bucks worth of grog haha I finished my last stubbie last weekend and I am having withdrawal symptoms.
  8. Special this week at BWS actually, 2x 24 box of Extra Dry Bottles or Tooheys New stubbies for $70

    Welcome to BWS - Are you over 18?

    Stocked up today lol, had my last Tallie this morning then checked the fridge and was like.. O_O! NOOO!
  9. Im more of an tooheys extra dry man myself. As much of a night owl as i am i could never work nights but at least you have an upside with the no customers im not a peoples person.
  10. Win win mate!

    1:50AM and chuggin down some Tooheys New. Working at night is brutal, but hey no customers to get in my face.. Woolworths. (゜∇゜)
  11. We got some rain today here in South East, wasn't downpour but it was steady, good thing to I just fertilized some ovals at work haha
  12. XD

    Well couldn't be much worse then what Craig Thomson got into lol

    Jus chillin' up in QLD, almost literally the clouds hangin around last few days cooling everything down.. need some rain in there to top-up the water tanks out back.

    Back to the grog
  13. I didn't know you were from down under mate. Yeah labour is good although I got in trouble for spending 75k on a trip overseas must have been all those Philippine prostitutes I hired.
  14. So, how's it going over in the Labor Party?

    Bummer about getting trolled by Gillard though, you were doing a decent job~
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