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  1. Flesh is for Gods - Episode 03 - Charm of Beginnings

    "Since the creation of the first program people have dreamed of machines that could think and act on their own. When fantasy became reality new ideas were created and new dreams. The idealists envisioned a world where man and machine stood as equals, the second race to walk the Earth. Others saw them as the salvation to a slowly dying race with capacities beyond humans to rescue the species from destruction. There were even those that saw them as the end of the world and humanity to be eventually ...
  2. Advanced Response Machine: AESIR - Episode 3 - Unfamiliar Skies

    The year is After Nuclear 605, a period of rebirth for the planet Earth. It has been six hundred years since the Earth was scarred by a nuclear assault that left the surface barren and radioactive. It is said that half of the world’s population died immediately from the blasts and nearly everyone else in the year afterward from disease or contamination. The land was forever altered beyond hope for recovery it seemed. Human civilization was wiped from the planet.

    By the grace of ...
  3. The Inner Man - Episode 3 - School

    The Inner Man – Episode 3 – School

    Chiko walked with his back hunched over, slouching and a long, exhausted expression across his face. He could not remember the last that he had to wake up so early in the morning. The birds were already out chirping so loud it felt like they were going to shatter his ears. This was hardly what he had in mind for blending into the new life that he had. What was he going to do now, having to go to school over again?

    “He was enjoying it ...