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  1. Golly! Where have I been?

    by , 11-15-2014 at 06:45 AM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    I can't believe I have been away for a whole week. I have visited, but I just didn't have anything worth writing about. Anyway, I may as well catch you all up on what little I have done. So, here goes...

    This first week with Autumn and her two kids have been hard. Mainly because it is so loud in the house now. I don't like loud. I stay shut up in my room most of the day. I will leave the door open from when I wake up to when everything starts getting loud. After that, I am ...
  2. -Final Fantasy 4 (PC Version)- My Experience (Day 9)

    Hello once more! Well-wishes to you!

    So, not too much to report today, because I only did some grinding and looked for the best grinding spot. Edward's low stats make sense to me now: he was a Prince, pretending to be a Bard. Bard was the only class he had any experience at all with, so when he joins the party, that's all he knows how to do, haha. He may just be one of the weakest characters in the series, I'm sad to say. But, with enough grinding, even Edward can be great. We'll ...
  3. -Final Fantasy 4 (PC Version)- My Experience (Day 8)

    Hello everyone! Hope all is well!

    Well, good news! The "Spoony Bard" quote is preserved! I was pleased to see that. Sure, it might be something silly, but I guess if a quote can be nostalgic, it's that one, haha.

    The Bombing of Damcyan was intense. The initial part where the Red Wings actually drop the bombs was very fast, only a few seconds long, almost humorously fast, especially when compared to the original. Anna's death was emotional, of course. The voice ...
  4. -Final Fantasy 4 (PC Version)- My Experience (Day 7)

    Hello, hello! Hope you are well!

    So, today I found out that if you buy items in bulk, you get a discount. It's either some kind of wild glitch or that's how it's intended. I don't remember it being that way in the original. I spent almost all my Gil buying about five to ten of every items, just to be safe. I shouldn't need all of them, but I don't know what surprises this remake will throw at me. It does seem like I've been Back Attacked far more than in the original, so maybe more ...
  5. -Final Fantasy 4 (PC Version)- My Experience (Day 6)

    Hellooo! Hope today is a good day for you!

    Well, let me start by saying that the Toad status ailment is hilarious in the remake. Since everything is 3D now, the frogginess is much more apparent and when you win a battle, your Toaded party members will do a little dance that is just the cutest thing. Here's a picture of Cecil under Toad status. Isn't he darling?

    So, I trained up everyone a bunch. Tellah is useful since his magic stats are twice as much as Rydia's. ...
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