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  1. Stuffington

    by , 04-03-2013 at 10:15 PM (The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky)
    Been awhile since I last posted. Things are starting to look up a bit, found a pleasant surprise in my bank account that will cover Netflix for another month AND my phone/internet bill was half as big as i thought it would I'm not QUITE as worried about my money situation, it's not good, but not as bad as it could be I suppose. I'm currently working on my FAFSA to enroll in school, hoping I can get grants and such to live off of while I embark on an educational journey, but how the **** ...
  2. California!

    So I recently got back from a week long trip from california, before that I took my certification exams and passed them both, now back to the cali trip, it was a great experience, saw many things, went to different cities like San Jose where my bro lives and then went to Carmel by the Sea and stayed in a hotel there for 2 nights, saw the castle that was built by William Hearst and his crew. I also walked around Monterey and I have been to San Francisco. In summary, I loved the trip and every part ...
  3. As far as I know, I only have to deliver tomorrow.

    by , 04-03-2013 at 06:29 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    But, I can never be too sure of that. I did finish the Dairy Bar menu today. And the paper was completed as well. I also learned several new tricks with the ads as well. But I am hoping that I won't have to use them. They aren't the most approved tricks. At least not approved by the owner. Oh well.

    Today I felt so uncomfortable in the office. Why? Office drama and Girl drama. I am not used to the two being mixed together in this way. It was not the most pleasant day at ...
  4. Overall Thoughts: Tomb Raider

    So I finished Tomb Raider last night. I feel like playing at night is the only way to get the proper ambiance is some games, lol. Anyway.

    The Story

    As we all know from the advertising everywhere, this is Lara's origin story, redefined. Shipwrecked on an island, trying to survive against an insane cult of other stranded people while trying to solve the mysteries of the island itself. She loses a lot, finds her own strength in the process and kicks some serious cultist ...
  5. Another day as Will-Do-Everything.

    by , 04-02-2013 at 06:58 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    I arrived at work at 8:46 am this morning. Iris pulled in as I was walking to the store for a soda. After I got back, we talked about everything. I think that our work at the office is really starting to wear on all three of us young'uns (Gabby, Iris, and I). Gabby is trying to keep her way of doing things the same as when Misty was the boss, despite Iris's repeated attempts at enforcing the changes. Iris always seems to be so stressed because she has the owner constantly breathing down her ...