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  1. Michael's Taxi Service...

    by , 04-30-2017 at 10:37 AM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    So last night, I was in bed at nearly 1am, resting after a romp around the bedroom with a friend, when I received a message on my phone from a different friend. He initially tried calling me, but I don't answer the phone after 9pm, so I simply messaged him back asking what was up. He asked if I had a vehicle, because he was needing picked up in Hillsboro (about 30 miles away). He was at the sheriff's department, and needed a ride home, because his car had been impounded. I asked him for gas ...
  2. A perk of being a polyglot...

    by , 04-20-2017 at 06:19 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    Story Time!

    I was told to wash the van today by my boss. I was not excited about it at all, because on Thursdays I work for the newspaper, not GE. Well, I finally got around to it just a little bit ago. I bring all of the supplies to the van, and get ready to begin. Only, there is no water spigot at the back of the house. Just great, I think. I take all of the supplies to the front of the house, and hope that the hose can reach the front driveway. Then I drive the van around ...
  3. The Easter Bunny is coming!

    by , 04-14-2017 at 04:34 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    There is one person in this world I truly pity, and I want to do everything I can to make his life better. It is Autumn's youngest child, Jesse. He is five years old, and has had his little world thrown every which direction there can be during this last month. First his sister goes to live under the supervision of the State, then his grandmother and big brother moves away, and take Jackson (Carma's dog) with them. Then I move out. Luca, who considered Jesse one of her own children, dies. ...
  4. Here's an LOL story to make you ROFL...

    by , 04-13-2017 at 10:55 AM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    On Thursday, April 6, 2017, I was driving the van on my business route through the village of Winchester, Ohio. It is literally three stops. Well, I had just left the bank (stop #2), and turned left on the next side street up from the bank so I could make my way back through the village to move on to the one stop on the other side of the main drag. I was going maybe 10-15 miles per hour, when all of a sudden this dog runs right out in front of me, or rather, runs right into the side of the van. ...