This is a group that’s been meeting and praying for awhile in the Castro district of SF. Now, because of Prop. 8, the gays have decided to take out their anger, hatred and frustration on a group of people who were just praying, not protesting or stopping them from doing what they want to do, just praying. Here’s the MSM whitewash of the incident:

In San Francisco’s Castro District, people on both sides of the same-sex marriage controversy confronted each other on Friday night, as police tried to keep the peace. Proposition 8 passed in a close vote and eliminated the right of same-sex couples to marry.Members of the gay community said that almost every Friday night, a Christian group meets at the corner of Castro and 18th Streets. They try to convert gays and lesbians into a straight lifestyle.This Friday night, the message didn’t go over well. Some gays and lesbians reacted by trying to chase the group out of the Castro.”Their rights were respected,” said Joe Schmitz, an opponent of Prop 8. “They got a chance to go ahead and pray on the sidewalk and I had the opportunity to express my freedom of speech which is telling them to get out of my neighborhood.”San Francisco Police officers in riot gear formed a line and escorted the religious group into a van to safely get them out of the area.Members of the gay community insisted that their reaction to the Christian group was spontaneous. “It was not an organized thing. We’re tired of it. It’s not religious. It’s not a racial thing. It’s about hate. We’re trying to send a message across the world that we’re standing up and we don’t want this to go on anymore,” said Adam Quintero.

Here’s reality and here’s video of the incident (after the police arrived):If gays want to act like fascists, they’ll lose any sympathy they may have over this issue. They’re not really helping their cause with these protests and fascist witch hunts and I thought they were getting that. I guess not. Bullying Christians isn’t going to get them anywhere, they’re not easily intimidated. They’ve faced far worse foes than angry gays blowing whistles.One thing is clear from the video, these guys want nothing to do with Christians or our message of redemption in Jesus Christ. That came out loud and clear when one of the fascists yelled that Christians should stay out of their neighborhood. The gospel appears to be collateral damage in this war over state sanctioned marriage.

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