I know we might have had this thread before, but I'd like to keep in contact with more people from TFF. How many peeps here on TFF skype or use a form of online messaging?
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I know we might have had this thread before, but I'd like to keep in contact with more people from TFF. How many peeps here on TFF skype or use a form of online messaging?
I use AIM that's about it right now. I'm old school. >.> Or unable to move on with the times. One of those two.
I log on Skype but nobody talks to me. Not even Che.
I have a skype but can't remember my login info, but I do use Facebook a lot if anyone cares to add me
It's: Eric M. Callahan-Hortman
I use it and talk to a few people from here, but you must contact me privately for the info if you want it. It's not something I want to share publicly.
I dooooo! Almost daily these days. Plus, it's on all the time on my phone, so I'm technically always available. Click the little Skype button in the postbit to the left to add me! But please let me know who you are if your usernames don't match, because I decline randoms. :D
I also have a skype, used sparingly since I'm mostly on mobile with it but I'm fine with people adding me~ Would prefer not to just wave it around willy-nilly though so if you want it just pop me a message or something!
che messaged me last night. but not on skype
I rarely log on to Skype. Best place to reach me is Facebook or Twitter because I'm aaaalways logged on if I'm at home or work, or somewhere with wifi. It's usually how I keep up to date with gaming, and then I [used to] get to Tweet about things for work.
I'm on Whatsapp more often than not though. I had to get a smart phone for work, and I hate it. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. But it's necessary. I have friends on there too.
My Skype: j_nunnery85@live.com
I have AIM.... noxious.sunshine@gmail.com
Che don't talk to me no more either so don't feel bad people.... I assume he has his head shoved up some girl's ass.
I got rid of facebook, twitter and haven't been on aim, msn or skype in forever. I'm very much a text/ email/ here only type of person because reasons. PM me for my number if you're so inclined to text, but I think everyone who wants my number has it. Though I do fondly remember the aim and msn convos we all used to have here
No che doesn't talk to girls, he just plays FF14.
You have to click the "Login With Microsoft (or Outlook)" option to use your Microsoft email.
Coincidentally, I talked to che yesterday for a bit. I reckon it'll be another 3 months before we talk again. Cuz he sucks.
GAH! I'll go try that ;(
Fudge it.
*goes to torrent all of Microsofts shite*
che messaged me
Loaf, pic or it didn't happen. I want to see proof!!!!
I visit skype seldomly.
"rekt" - che
I call bull. No picture.
I talk to che on a daily basis you nerds just arent cool enough to be in his rl skype group that I'm in for some reason heh heh.....
but for realz someone should make a tff skype group, just add people from here get a list going and throw them in a chat, it would be like the msn adventures 2.0. I guess i could do it but im perpetually tired and lazy with that sort of stuff.. we need a real leader...
I started a Skype chat group. Not sure if I did it right of if you guys get an invite notification or not...
So far I only added people in my contacts who I know probably wont care about getting spammed on a daily basis :P
So far I added:
Andrew (Rocky)
Brett (Che)
Alisyn (OceanEyes28)
Matt (Soldier#819)
Brad...LOL (Polk)
Kyle (Loaf)
Richard (Alpha)
Cesar (Loco)
Kevin (Dranzer)
Steve (Midgetbob)
Dimi (Fishie--> old school name)
TheGoddamnClintEastwood (Update your skype!)
Pete....(Pete? lol)
What is your Skype Rowan? PM someone from the list. If anyone wants to add. Let me know! TFF orgy open for all ;)
TIL Polk's real name is Brad. HA - tis a silly name!
Glad I'm cool enough to be in the in group.
I use Skype once in a blue moon, to video call friends overseas. It really irritates me, with its not-really-shutting down, and its "whooooop" noises.
Damn Polk, sorry for your name.
Also cmitchell1616 or Kyra Meownhart at the moment.
Whatever, I'm named after every douchebag jock in 1980's comedies so ya'll can suck it
That's just what a douchebag jock named Brad would say!
I don't have Skype, I tried it but either I didn't like it or couldn't work it, most people can get me on fb I linger there a lot,
besides which it's so hard getting the same time frame as my overseas friends to live chat.
Most people I talk to here are already friends on fb I think, or I forgot your real names and deleted you by accident :)
Like Brett's any better?
Che, stop hiding from us! ;(
(says person who disappeared on and off ever since she joined FIVE YEARS AGO)
Lol i can't believe this thread brought che back to post lololol
Obviously this thread is now ALMOST as good as randomly jilling off! =D
It's only a matter of time before he disappears again :'<
Maybe disappear from you guys. Not me, he can't get away from me. The only person who got away from me was Jarad(Jin) and he did it without divorce papers.
So I'm guessing you're still owed child support. What a ****.
I dunno man :'< I remember when I joined here I was a care free kid with only school to worry about and silly things like if friends still loved me. Now I have a job and school is even more of a PAIN but if I move up the working chain I might just quit school all together. I dunno, don't really care for it anymore XD. Immature of me. I should stick it out. Almost done.
I naturally use Skype. You wanna know my Skype ID? Well, it's LauriAJ2 in case you want to know. Feel free to contact me and stuff.
I use Skype as well. I have Kyra added and I thought I had Cesar added but I don't. D: Rectified!
I would like an invite to the skype group? =O
I'll get in on this trying to be more active again these days, missed this community tbh, I have a few people on Skype already whoever has the group PM me and i'll give you my Username.
Edit:Just looked at the dates, I'm usually late to the party anyway.