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Might as well be "The Admit Something Blog Forums"
It's practically all that I do play, that and Kingdom Hearts. I'm currently going through my second play through of Type 0, before that I had played through the whole of the FFXIII series and became a massive fan of it. I have the collectors edition of FFX/FFx-2 HD too. So yeah still a massive fan. I'm looking forward to FFXV this year.
To be honest, not really. I have too many new games that I wish to experience, all of which take up an ungodly amount of time. I blame Fallout 4, Arkham Knight, the new Tomb Raider, wrapping up MGSV
I do however wish that I had the epic summer and winter vacations of years past to replay FFVI, FFVIII, and FFIX in particular
I'm on dinner break so I can't go too in depth but, a variety of factors have me playing fewer FFs these days.
Age: very minor overall but I just sometimes feel out of touch with some of the games.
Market: these days the videogame market is flooded with cheap and surprisingly high quality games, along with convienence of being able to immediately download on console or computer. Yeah once in awhile I may be willing to load up the old ps1 to play some tactics, but why should I shell out 60 on a FF game when I could find a similar yet fun game for 1/3rd of the price?
Convienence: speaking of which, anything that SE is selling is anything but. Have you tried navigating the PlayOnline website when it was/is still around? Anyone that played ff14 will know what I mean too. I also bought ff7 on steam for a friend and it was one of the most overly complicated things to start up. If I'm outta touch, then SE sure as shit is as well.
Company direction: to be quite frank it feels like square is pulling an Atlus with their decisions and selling out, just trying to milk their ff7 audience because they are the most rabid and indulgent fanbase that SE has. I just kinda lost touch with the games after FFX; 11 was a good mmo but I didn't have reliable internet to play too much at the time. ff12 was okay but to me wasn't very captivating, I never finished it. It felt like I had to have a full game encyclopedia with me on hand while playing it so I wouldn't miss anything, since there was so much hidden stuff that you had almost no clue about. 13 was in the middle of the pack for ff games, but why on earth did SE decide to make a full trilogy from it? I'll never understand that decision. 14 is hit and miss good, right now its kind of in a shitty phase though.
15 looks pretty and fun, then again it also looks like yaoi bait, much like KH series. I've been kinda turned off by all of the over hype though (a release date for a release date? Come onnnnn). So right now I will watch and see and comment after its release.
I think bottom line is, most people stay here because of their friends, me included. FF series has really trailed off and IMO is being carried by the franchise name over anything else
The only FF I really had any dislike towards to was 12, I was introduced to the franchise through 10. I've seen the same argument over the years though the most recent FF will always be the one that kills Square Enix.
But at least Rowan understands my love for the FFXIII series ;_;
I've been playing Record Keepers, FF1, FF5, and Chocobo Dungeon.
Before that, I was playing FF8 where I did a run where I tried not to become crazy powerful early on.
I was going to start a new game on Tactics, but I haven't quite gotten around to that one yet. There's a decent few fan-patches out that change the game, like add new classes, new enemies, that kind of thing.
FF3 is in my sights, as soon as I can get around to playing it, haha.
Yeah, I still the Final Fantasy games. I play FFXIV everyday almost without fail and I'm going to be getting whatever collector's edition is available for FFXV and I'll be playing World of Final Fantasy as well and Type-0 was a blast. Each game they release still excites me as much as the last one.
I use to bag the XIII series. But, I learned to appreciate them for what they were. I was holding onto the past titles to vigorously. I still believe they are not the standard of the older titles, but how can I say I didnt enjoy them when I finished all 3 and platinumed 2 of them?
I recently played through FFT for the 100th time. I was playing Realm Reborn everyday for some time but a large number of my friends stopped playing it so I didn't see the point in paying for my subscription anymore. Plus with Blade and Soul out I would rather play it anyway.
2014/15 has been all about me replaying Final Fantasy, took down each game in the series again, save for X & XII, I do own both games, but not a PS2 at the moment. I also got to play some new ones, new to me at least. XIII-2, which in my opinion, compared to XIII, took one steep forward and two back. Final Fantasy Dimensions, one of the most formulaic and tedious games I ever played.
FF14 counts right?
Of course, FFXIV counts loaf! And being one of the best FF made recently makes it all the more qualified, even if there is a sub and it's an MMO. Still a fantastic game any FF fan should play.
The only way I'd get back into ff14 is if I had an FC that was comprised of people I know personally and enough that we could do everything together. The reason I stopped playing was because I hated teaming up with random and being expected to know exactly what to do for everything.
Otherwise I loved every other aspect of the game.
Music is God tier
Graphics are gorgeous
My character was gorgeous
Love the job system and armours
You actually have to really work toward earning new armor
I loved it. But I had to stop because of 1 hour waits for certain dungeons and people or myself failing after all that time.
You're always welcome to come to Ultros and play with the rest of the TFFers. Though there's not as many of us as their used to be. But now that Loco got his girlfriend to play, I think they might be both on more often. I've made a core group of friends that we run a lot of the content together. And we're all regulars that play everyday. So depending on your activity periods you'd be able to play with us. Always welcome, Rowan!
I only resub because I play with Che and his homies.
I still find myself playing Final Fantasy games. I am currently playing FFX HD for PS4 (which is far superior to the original PS2 version imo.) I also plan to pick up on my 2nd playthrough of Final Fantasy Type-0, I was also playing some of the Episode Duscae demo and I'm hyped for the full game. Lastly started playing Chrono Trigger for the DS (does Chrono Trigger count?)
EDIT: If I'm playing anything else these days, I'm checking my level statuses in Super Mario Maker. If I start an RPG of any kind, it's most likely going to be of the Ys series and I beat Ys 1 chronicles again not too long ago. I recommend playing the Ys games, great series. I'm also getting back into the Zelda games, trying to beat Zelda II once and for all.
I miss gridania.
Sorry to hear that, city and it's surroundings suck.
I say Chrono Trigger counts, Sabin. I love that game so much it makes me tear up.
I am waiting for FFIX to be released on PC to play FF games other than the MMO again. Maybe one day play Type-0 but I only preordered that for the dota 2 Courier and Ward skins.
God man I love Chrono Trigger. I have planned on replaying it for sometime, but I got stuck replaying Legend of Dragoon which is awesome. Chrono Trigger and Earth Bound are currently on my replay list.
I don't even remember what server I was on ff14 I joined because some guys in my gaming community was playing on it and I joined there FC which they said was crazy active. So I change servers join there FC no one there talks or does anything then the guys I resubbed to play with dropped their subs and I was left playing alone so naturally I dropped mine. I may consider resubbing and joining up with everyone from here. At least I know you all will ****ing talk back to me if you are on ha.
Yeah, we're all really friend and helpful. So you're more than welcome to come join us on Ultros. Just pass one of us a tell if you do and we'll add you to the FC.
I like Gridania, loaf, it reminds me a lot of Windurst and the place always had a really nice feel to it. Good music and just relaxing being out in the forest with nature. And Rowan, our FC mansion it is in the Lavender Beds, so you're just a hop, skip and jump away from Gridania. ^^
Its funny, but the one thing that makes me want to get back into it is the environments and music. Never experienced a game like it before.
It might take me a while to grasp it again, its been almost 2years since I last played it.
If anything, id probably just start up and muck around as a crafter or something for a while. I have a lvl50 dragoon and a lvl50 weaver, but maxing the abilities for the weaver proved too difficult for me. I wasn't quite sure where to go once I hit lvl.50, all i knew is that I wanted to weave the dress, but I didnt have enough points in ailitiy nor the right materials.
My friends keeps urging me to come back to FFXIV, now that I have a ps4 I don't have an excuse anymore to not come back. FFXIV was nearly unplayable on the PS3 and pretty sure it nearly broke it. The only problem is now that I need to buy the game again and pay for the sub to come back. i really liked the game but got stuck on what to do after level 50. I've had a bad experience in dungeons with waiting times and generally just foul mouthed elitist players.
Having a tank or healer job to play helps fix dungeon queue times and not everyone you're going to find is going to be elitist. There are those people that exist, but most of the people in the game are pretty good. And like Rowan you're welcome to join us and we can help you out.
I'm so jealous of you all!
I wish I could play FF14 with everyone! I'd be some kind of healer class, for sure!
My computer can't run 11, let alone 14, haha, so I guess I'm stuck with Runescape.
But you never know; maybe I'll get a new computer one of these days.
FFXIV runs on the PS3 and PS4 as well, so if you have either of those consoles that is another solution. And all platforms play together on the same servers, so you won't be split off.
I've tried both of those roles but I'm pretty bad at them. I don't really have the confidence with them to go into a dungeon with them. Thank you for the offer but I do have people that I can play with, my friend would probably kill me if I left his FC. The main issue was in fact the ps3, that mainly spoiled my experience, the others were just little things that went on top of that.
There were good moments in the game, like the time when I was the only one alive and everyone else was shouting at me to die, and stop running because you are actually meant to hit the boss. Hit the boss with poison and just kept running away and let the poison kill him. My friend was in the party and found it hilarious.
Practice will give you confidence. You'll make mistakes early on, but if you run dungeons in the low levels with healer or tank they are a lot more forgiving and prepare you for the later more challenging ones. Above all over queueing with friends will speed up your queue times if they are healer or tank.
I play FFXIV on the regular, yo.