Wii U pre-E3 announcements!
Iwata gave off a presentation on some of the features of the Wii U and gave more of a detail on the controller. The controller is officially dubbed the 'Wii U Gamepad' which is a throwback to the nes controller thats titled the NES Gamepad. The gamepad has clickable analog sticks, a start and select button, and NFC read/write indicator, it was revealed you can use the gamepad as an infrared tv remote, and you can video chat.
If you want more information on what was talked about in the Wii U pre-E3 press conference here's a link
Wii U hardware news in detail!
Comments anyone?
Re: Wii U pre-E3 announcements!
Nothing of interest to me. Their other controller they revealed doesn't seem very good, either.
Hope they have something better ready for E3.
Re: Wii U pre-E3 announcements!
I like the amount of interactivity nintendo is putting into their systems, game consoles are the generic push button controllers with analog sticks with high graphiced games painted onto the screen. I would like to experience some diversity once in a while, this is a good opportunity :)