Awesome experience!!
I was hospitalized last week for going crazy and trynna suicide. It was hell in the hospital was constantly depressed and the staff were jerks. Cried every second I was awake.
But last night I woke up like 2am and I could hear the hymn of the fayth in my room. And I hummed along for a few mins and fell asleep and felt safe.
They let me go this afternoon!!
Put in ffx and started getting teary eyed when I got to the besaid temple <3 I think my love for the game rescued me from the hospital. There's a spiritual vibration within everything in life, even objects we deem lifeless. I believe
Re: Awesome experience!!
do you think you might've stumbled upon a newfound faith?
p.s. like omgggg!!! are you OKAY?!?!?
Re: Awesome experience!!
After all you've been through that is a wonderful story. A similar thing happened to me (although granted I was nowhere near as depressed as you) but with Assassin's Creed II. I started playing it not long after a painful break-up, and as well as taking my mind off things, the soundtrack inspired and helped me in a similar way the Hymn if the Fayth did for you. "Ezio's Family" (Youtube it) in particular is full of despair and strength at the same time. :)
This proves the power of games, and music in general. Glad to hear you're out of hospital, and best wishes on your continued recovery.
Re: Awesome experience!!
My missus is pissed off due to busting her ten copy!!! FFX will save her though when a new on arrives in a few days time!!! By the way it is a beautiful story.
Re: Awesome experience!!
I'm sorry to hear about your story. In all bad, there is some good though. To hear a good story come out of bad times is what's ideal. Long long ago when my ex-fiance and I went our separate ways, I found that The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion returned me to grace - from which I had fallen. I remember this every day now with the Oblivion logo tattooed on my arm. When most see it, they say "that's awesome" - "that's so cool". Deep inside, it has more meaning than just being cool - or a logo for that matter. It has personal refuge with me, from a daunting time in my life.
Perseverance is the strongest weapon we have as human beings. I never think someone would be stupid or crazy for finding harmony in an object that isn't money or sex. I'm glad you pulled through.