How do they know?
In ffx-2 when you get the perfect ending how did yuna know that tidus was going to come back at the beach in besaid. also how did the people cheering on the beach know that tidus and yuna was going to be reunited there? the only hint you get to tidus coming back is when you talk to the fayth in the farplane. and if you reply yes you would like to see him again the fayth replys he cant promise anythink so how can you be sure that he is gonna come back anyway?;(
Re: How do they know?
I think Yuna didn't actually know he was going to appear there, she says she is going to home to the three leaders, so she was heading to Besaid anyway, when they spotted him from the Celcius I theorized that Yuna ordered Brother to land immediately.
As for the mass of the people on the beach? Maybe a welcome home party for Yuna? How did they know? It's possible that Yuna contacted Lulu and Wakka on the comm sphere that she was coming home, just a theory.