Re: What games never age?
Kindof like what you said, Pokemon doesnt age. I actually made a play though of leaf green a few months ago. There is nothing better than when you leave pallet town for the first time with your pokemon. I always enjoy that feeling when you starter pokemon reaches level 7 when you get your first attack, and then level 12 when you get your first elemental attack and feel so powerful.
Brave Fencer Musashi is another game I can play once a year forever and it will never get old. This is by far my favorite video game ever made.
Nintendo makes alot of its game pretty timeless, Zelda OoT, all of the core series Mario games.
I also feel that the Crash Bandicoot games are timeless.
Overall I feel that any game that does a good job of creating it's own atmosphere, completely neglecting the trends of it's time will be playable for years to come.
For example: noone will play Madden 2002, or 50 cent bulletproof years from now. Or games that portray a super hero, like Barman for instance, his portrayal changes DRAMATICALLY from decade to decade. Look back on the PS2 animated series batman game and you think 90's, Arkam Asylem will be "old a$s" in about 10 years.
Re: What games never age?
I'll third Pokemon, occasionally I turn my old trusty GameBoy on, and play me some Silver, some other games as well while I'm at it, most noticeably Link's Awakening.
Quite a few NES titles are timeless, Contra, and Battle City among others. I get goosebumps when I hear Jungle Jam, and some of us still know to team up for shoot or two at Battle City.
Same thing can be said for games on PSOne, PC as well. Gran Turismo 2 to this very day offers better driving experience, and more content than most driving games out there, thus still played. Metal Gear Solid for it's memorable characters, excellent story, and superb gameplay, God knows how many times I went through this game. Starcraft, Unreal Tournament, Counter Strike 1.6, just to name few, still fondly remembered, and played by mass of players, including me.
Re: What games never age?
Originally Posted by
. Metal Gear Solid for it's memorable characters, excellent story, and superb gameplay, God knows how many times I went through this game.
I have a copy that a baught at a Vintage Stock (american old-gen gameshop/media shop). Got stuck at the guy in the tank.:shake:
I'll probly go through MGS once I finish my round of FFVI.
Re: What games never age?
Yeah, I guess I have the urge to pick up a Pokemon game and start playing again every once in a while, too. It usually fades after like the first few cities, though. Doesn't really matter which edition, because they're all basically the same, heh.
There's a few NES games that I love to go back to, like Crystalis, Bionic Commando, and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Bionic Commando is especially notable, considering how short it is, although the other two are some of my favorites of all time, Crystalis especially. I could also go back at any time and play Super Mario Bros. 2, 3, and World until I beat them. Then of course there's Tetris, Dr. Mario, Tetris Attack, etc. And Super Bomberman. (Those last two and SMWorld are SNES, though.)
Of the Final Fantasies, I've played 6, Tactics, and 9 quite a few times now. Super Mario RPG is another game I've played to death, and might be able to go back for another playthru right now...
For even later generations, I bet I could go back and get even more enjoyment out of the Smash Bros. games. There was something else, but I forget what. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: What games never age?
Most of my games. I love all my games that much. <3
Ones that really stand out for me are the early Tomb Raider games. I just think Tomb Raider I to IV are better than the newer ones. I always feel like I've played something worthwhile with the earlier ones, and that feeling never changes.
Metal Gear Solid games too I suppose. The story is amazing and doesn't get old for me. I'll quite happily play that game like I'd watch the same movie over and over again (...if it wouldn't take so long).
I can't really think of any other games that stand out for me other than FFVII.
Re: What games never age?
Originally Posted by
I have a copy that a baught at a Vintage Stock (american old-gen gameshop/media shop). Got stuck at the guy in the tank.:shake:
I'll probly go through MGS once I finish my round of FFVI.
Raven is fairly easy, at least I remember him to be, Campbell, other characters as well can give you usefull tips if you're stuck. Do continue playing the game, when you have time for it of course. it's worth it as Metal Gear Solid offers unusal, interesting characters, excelent story, and one of the most unique, exciting boss battles you'll ever experience.
Re: What games never age?
Crash Bandicoot on PSX and Spyro is still pretty well playable.
FFVII as well and alot of PSX games look even better than ever while playing on emu, even Donkey Kong 64 is still fun to play.
Super Mario Bros 3 on nes as well.
Re: What games never age?
As I'm a gamer who doesn't like to replay a game, I'd have to go with only one game I've played a dozen of times - though it's not a real game like the ones which are published nowadays. ^^"
I'll go with Tetris. XD
Last year, I found our GBA once again and decided to play while waiting. (For animes to finally be downloaded, persons to come, everything ^^") Tetris is a game you play for HOURS and it won't bore you. And you can stop playing anytime, as you can't save your game. It's the perfect game if you have a couple of minutes before someone arrives or a download's finished etc.
And, of course, it can't age. Personally, I prefer the GameBoy version of the game, but it's still remade, especially for DS (my mother bought a Tetris game a couple of months ago, but I didn't like it as much as the original).
...... And I also like to play my old Pokémon Blue every once in a while. ^^" But I've never replayed it... I just play when I'm in the mood to. That means: Nearly... never. ^^"
Re: What games never age?
Originally Posted by
I'll go with Tetris. XD
As timeless as chess, no contest here.
Re: What games never age?
Maybe some Pong? haha
To me I would personally have to say Raging Blast 1 and 2, God of War 1 and 2, Persona 3, Grandia, Alundra, and any other game that has changed my life that I can't remember at this time.
Re: What games never age?
I'll second the third for Pokemon, I can always pick up Pokemon Red and just blaze through the entire game with just my Charizard lol.
Aside from Pokemon, I'm gonna throw out Growlanser 2: The Sense of Justice, just because I love damn near all the characters and the fact that your choices actually affects the game, storyline, and girl you end up with in the end is just legendary, I keep playing it over and over and over again.
Another one would be Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter for the PS2, probably one of the best RPGs I ever played, although recently I haven't played it much (kinda going thru the other 1000s rpgs I never played), but I'm thinking as soon as I beat the games I want to be, I'll go back to my roots until something new comes out.
I'll also throw out Shadow of the Colossus, something is just epic about running around jumping on giants and slaying them... mmmm not to mention the music makes slaughtering them all the more worthy.
Re: What games never age?
Re: What games never age?
I can't believe no one added Super Mario, or Mario 64 for that matter! Double :(:( haha Well, to each his/her own.
- Gears of war 1 & 2 - The multilayer on these is what brings me back for more,. Gears one was more fast passed then 2, but the shotty never gets old, along with the longshot (sniper) <3
- Yoshie's Island - I don't have this anymore, beacsue my SNES broke, but if I did I could imagin myself still playing it haha
- Final Fantasy IX, & X - I now, I now leave out FF if possible, but I just can't do so!!!
- Grand theft auto Vice City & San Andraes - I loved VC beacause it was the first one I played out of the series, adn San andraes becaseu you could do a godly amount of fun activities (Even more then the new GTA for the 360/ps3)
- The Elder Scrolls: III Morrowmind, and The Elder Scrolls: IV Oblivion -
I'll edit some more in later when ive had some sleep.
Re: What games never age?
Originally Posted by
Linus Li Lelouch
Another one would be Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter for the PS2, probably one of the best RPGs I ever played, although recently I haven't played it much (kinda going thru the other 1000s rpgs I never played), but I'm thinking as soon as I beat the games I want to be, I'll go back to my roots until something new comes out.
Not to judge, but Dragon Quarter? eww lol what a bad game. It's so niche but I guess someone had to love it.
games that age well?
SaGa Frontier - fun stuff with endless customization, 7 storylines, etc.
Earthbound - most epic rpg ever on the face of the planet, so shallow and yet deep at the same time, much like dubstep music.
Star Ocean 2 - again, lots of customization, very fun to play, gives me a lot of sense of accomplishment when I do a playthrough.
Final Fantasy 4 - this game is more addicting then meth, nuff said.
Re: What games never age?
Heres my list of favorites:
Tetris Attack - super addicting puzzle game
any mario game - I played the heck out of these
visual novel games (shadowgate, uninvited, princess tomato and several foreign ones)- walk room/take item/use item these kind of games always fascinates me
Metroid - I love collecting items and the gameplay is fun
RPGs (FF, Terranigma, BoF, ToP, EB, etc) - these games are alot of fun, you battle monsters, gain money and experience. What draws me into these rpgs is the storylines and gameplay. Theres something about battling monsters and roaming a large field that draws me into this particular genre.
and then theres the Zelda games.
Re: What games never age?
Oh, I'll say Ocarinna of time and Majoras mask.
As well as RE-Remake or RE2-3.
I mean, when you actually want to play a game that's over ten years old, there's a plus!
Oh and, goldeneye and Perfect dark 64. Oh and RE code veronica.
I can go on...>.>
Re: What games never age?
I had an old system called a BBC Model B (it was a bit like a cross between a PC and an Amiga, even having its own word processing system), and there was a variety of games which were rip-offs, even pretty much carbon copies of absolute classic arcade games, such as Pacman (called Snapper on the system in question; the characters actually had to be changed because of a lawsuit with Namco, but the game is essentially identical) Mr Do (called Mr Ee on the BBC, one of my all-time favourite games) and Chuckie Egg (a game that was popular on all of the popular systems of the time and can be played here - use the arrow keys, and Spacebar to jump :P ).
I still love these games and still play them to this day (albeit on an emulator; my BBC system is long gone :( ).
Also, the old Zelda games, particularly Link's Awakening, which is the first adventure game I ever completed.
Re: What games never age?
Awesome thread :P
Here's my contriboootion
Tetris Attack: Oh man, i love this game. Im gonna have to play it today... as someone else said this is an extremely addictive puzzle game. I remember playing this against Telegraph years ago when we first met, and that man destroyed me at it. I thought i was the best too. Pfft.
Pokemon Yellow: I love the classic Pokemon TV series, before all these new... bad bad bad pokemon. Im not a Pikachu fan, but it was spot on for the most part to the show, and i love me some Pokemon. Was just talking about this with my brother yesterday. I loved climbing the tower to get Zapdos, or turning my Magikarp finally into a Gyrados. Making my Allakhazam into a Psychic monster, or Razor Leaf'ing everything that moves with Venusaur... Im actually looking forward to playing this again this summer, as I got a summer job at a familiar place this year....
Punch-Out: Either the NES or SNES games, I loved em both and still play them from time to time. for the NES The Sandman was my Arch-Nemesis as a kid, so I love to give him a punch in the face when I can. And for the SNES it was so cartoon-y and cool. Aaron Ryan... i think thats the last guys name in that one... He's a beast.:boxing: :boxing:
Earthbound: This was a quiet hit for me... I had no idea this would become among my favorite all time RPG's when i first put it into my SNES. Its... just amazing. SOOOOO much character and personality in those little 16bit sprites. I cant recall ever laughing that often while playing a game in my life. Will definately play forever. Ness4life! :roflmao:
Re: What games never age?
Im gonna go with Mortal Kombat. I used to watch my bro play it for hours and learn all the codes. When I got a little older I then began to fight him, and my button mashing was a ton better than his knowledge based attacks. I then went on to kick the crap out of my hubby. It's not much, but I love it. Annoying never gets old when it comes to watching them get frustrated LOL.
Gotta say I LOVE Katamari. Rolling up things if just excellent. I prefer to a sandwich....and it makes it that much more interesting. That game never gets old to me.
Re: What games never age?
Originally Posted by
Brave Fencer Musashi is another game I can play once a year forever and it will never get old. This is by far my favorite video game ever made.
You're in good company. I also never get tired of BFM... hence my username XD.
For me, (prepare for a great big SHOCKER) I find Xenogears to be a game I can always go back to and enjoy just like the first time. Diablo & Diablo II also earn that distinction. Speaking of which, I've recently started replaying all three games to my great joy.