Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
"With one of the most decorated membership groups in all of tff, along with three members getting appointed to moderator status after joining(Meier Link, Telegraph and Violet), could it be that co-founders Meier Link and Rocky are using the Crao Porr Cock8 group as a secret Illuminati outlet to eventually make a new world order in the land of TFF forums?!"
-quote from Occult Fan volume #69
This is just a general feeling thread on what you think of the group. Feel free to voice your thoughts, questions and/or opinions here. I felt like making this because sometimes we get a bad rap for individual members and that some things could use a bit of clearing up, because I personally don't think we're all trolling assholeomo bros. :)
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Little do people know, CPC8 is a substitutionary of Soldier. Slowly filling our ranks with respectable members who have put time and effort into TFF and call it home.
Viva la resistance!
I know we are having conversations in the CPC8 house but I think I should address the issue here also:
The actions of an individual do not reflect the opinions of every member of CPC8. The whole guilty by association thing is a bunch of bull in my books.
Yes some of our members are outspoken, some of us like to clown around a little. Hell not everyone is going to agree with what some of us as individuals have to say. My response to this is "suck it up". Most of us would still act the same way weather CPC8 is in existence or not.
Do we have a "bro" mentality, well yes we do. Most of us are friends and enjoy having a good time. Do we force CPC8 on people? No we don't. Do all of our post boast about being CPC8 members? No they don't.
We have some excellent members and we are proud to boast in our sigs. Is there something wrong with that?
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Filling your ranks with respectable members? That made me chuckle Meier.
I don't have anything against the whole group. I just feel there's a few members who are complete assholes, and don't or no longer deserve my respect. Therefore, the group suffers the immense hatred I know it doesn't deserve. If you honestly think you're full of respectable members, then as far as I'm concerned CPC8 is a group to take pity on.
It's kind of like if you're running a business, and you employ a loose wire. What does that say for the business?
My response to this is "suck it up".
You don't want to know what my first response to that was. My second response is follow the rules, quit trollin' and THEN suck it up before drama starts. Kthaxbai.
Disclaimer: I know and understand that the whole of CPC8 isn't responsible my current dislike for particular members. You're not all trolls, and I enjoy having conversations with the few I do talk to.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Who do you not respect? Whats goin on?
Someone do a "Previously on TFF" plz
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Originally Posted by
Unknown Entity
Filling your ranks with respectable members? That made me chuckle Meier.
I don't have anything against the whole group. I just feel there's a few members who are complete assholes, and don't or no longer deserve my respect. Therefore, the group suffers the immense hatred I know it doesn't deserve. If you honestly think you're full of respectable members, then as far as I'm concerned CPC8 is a group to take pity on.
It's kind of like if you're running a business, and you employ a loose wire. What does that say for the business?
You don't want to know what my first response to that was. My second response is follow the rules, quit trollin' and THEN suck it up before drama starts. Kthaxbai.
Disclaimer: I know and understand that the whole of CPC8 isn't responsible my current dislike for particular members. You're not all trolls, and I enjoy having conversations with the few I do talk to.
You misunderstood my meaning behind "suck it up".
I meant that if someone has a problem with an individual they should suck it up and quit blaming CPC8 as a whole. In turn they should seek a peaceful resolution.
If that can't resolve the problem, resort to the staff and use the report buttons. I should of been more clear when I said that.
As for respectable members here are just a few but not limited to:
Soldier #819
and even though people have mixed opinions on them, Rocky and Pete are both truly great guys in my opinion. With all of these great members and excellent TFFers if you feel you must pity us, then do so.
If you have a problem with the individual take it to them.
Also I love the persecution of "trolls" when there are more accused "trolls" outside of CPC8 then inside. How come these individuals that are not a part of CPC8 are not facing the same ridicule you present to the few members that are in CPC8 that you think are "trolls".
Also I am going to ask you; are you going to start persecuting white people because Hitler, Manson, and Gacy were white? Thats pretty much how your business example just came across to me.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Someone do a "Previously on TFF" plz
Reminds me of playing the Mass Effect 2 demo last night and them saying "Last time on Mass Effect".
But anyway, I'm not the stenographer so I don't have the exact details. But the short of it is that a few members belonging to Meier and Rocky's social group have a disruptive impact and influence on other members and the forums. Resulting in various degrees of drama and people getting upset. Because said members were/area part of Meier and Rocky's social group the group as a whole has taken on the notoriety as well. An issue that Meier has been trying to change for some time.
I would suggest though Meier that you avoid phrases like "suck it up" since that paints you in an unsympathetic light to those that you're trying to convince that you're not all like everyone thinks you are. You are wishing to change others opinions of you. So you're going to want to present yourself and speak in a manner that is going to reflect that.
And I have no clue what a "bro" mentality is.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
It's ok Gemma, I know you don't like me, and I really don't have a problem with that. I've been busting people's balls since day one. Matter of fact, if something, anything amuses me, I'll point it out and joke about it. I was even making jokes during my own father's funeral. It's my nature. I'm not going to change who I am, not for anyone, especially not someone I've never met and never will meet.
However, isn't it equally wrong to hate the innocent just because they happen to fall under the same umbrella... ella... ella, ay ay ay
Don't hate the German because Hitler as an asshole.
I also dislike the notion that we're all trolls. Having strong opinions doesn't make us trolls. Speaking our minds or calling a spade a spade, or questioning the downright bizarre doesn't make us trolls.
As for your respecting us, that's your call. I don't really care if people like me, hate me, or don't respect me. I just want the rest of TFF to know, that when I post, I'm posting as myself, not as some shill for any group. Every opinion I have is expressly mine, and I would have to assume that everyone else in CPC8 is posting in the same manner. And by that, I mean posting as themselves. I don't have the mind control gun... yet :p That being said, if anyone has any direct problems with any one member, I would highly suggest going to that member and talking about it, instead of blaming the group they belong to.
And I would argue that CPC8 is full of respectable members, who try to make this place better and more fun, as well as are good people to talk to. But really, it's completely understandable if you dislike me because I choose to make fun of what I just find amusing.
But really, to Toph and Gemma, and I say this with complete honesty: Kudos to you if it makes you happy. I'm honestly happy for the both of you if you two are really that happy and in love. I think that everyone deserves to feel the way you do about someone. I do find it strange as hell though, but I feel that way about all internet relationships.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
And that is all well and good.
Just remember that just because one person finds something amusing, doesn't mean everyone else will as well. That's all I ask.
I also have to agree with Andro that you should choose your words more carefully, and...
And I remember you saying that if it's not your area you don't act like a Mod, which is fine, but you still have to set some kind of example because you're still Staff.
I also agree that grouping people together isn't right, when it's the actions of one person that caused the disrespect/dislike.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
I would like to take a minute to explain something that I feel that I should point out.
CPC8 does not have owners, Rocky and myself did start the group but in no way are appointed leaders. CPC8 belongs to it's members. Every member has a say so on what is going on with the group, much like a democracy.
Sure some of us are more active then the others but that does not make us leaders then say someone like Ruin who is off serving the good ol' USA.
Also our members are free to leave when they wish to, take Silver for example. We do not force membership upon people and all members are there because they want to be and volunteered their selves to be a part of our group.
Andro and Vicky, I realized by UE's response that my verbiages were not right. I hope I added more clarity to the statement with my last post. My intentions were not to offend.
Chasing kids and trying to post while getting ready for tonight has proven to be quite a chore today haha.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Originally Posted by
Meier Link
As for respectable members here are just a few but not limited to:
Soldier #819
and even though people have mixed opinions on them, Rocky and Pete are both truly great guys in my opinion. With all of these great members and excellent TFFers if you feel you must pity us, then do so.
Well **** you then.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Hey, he did say "But not limited to", Polk. =P
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
I have to ask. I've seen you post it twice now. Do others seem to be under the impression that you conscript people into your group? Because it seems a little odd that you're trying to impress us on the fact that members are joining willingly. Unless others are thinking otherwise, I would think that joining willingly would be the way of entry. Are there more things being implied on your group than I'm aware of?
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Dude I've been here the whole time and I STILL don't know wtf is going on or what the problem is.
I do resent being occasionally labeled as a corrupt mod or one who practices favoritism just because I'm friends with CPC8 members. It has never been directly stated to me, but I see a lot of, "Well, they get away with stuff in GC because certain mods never warn them........................"
I've warned like half of them myself. And I don't know what they're "getting away with" because it's not like I get hundreds of post reports about how pissed off everyone is and then ignore them. I get none. Ever.
Yeah, members joke around and poke fun (mostly with each other), but I've not recently seem them intentionally bait another member of this forum and get away with it.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Again, when did I say CPC8 were a bunch of trolls? @_@
I just think you're getting a little ahead of yourself when you're saying it's full of respectable members. Not once did I say there wasn't a respectable member in the entire group. I looked over the list of people on your list, and I agree with who you deem respectable... so why extend the group to those who aren't?
And Andro pretty much summed up why I was annoyed with the "suck it up" sentiment. I would have loved to "suck up" the events yesterday, but you have to see it from my point of view as well. You kinda have to because of the position you're in. I mean, you're a mod, you run the adoption agency, you're the leader of CPC8, and you're a bro - it's possible to be all four, but you have to see that a lot of people are looking up to you for support. "Suck it up" isn't supportive and sounds like "Just get over it".
I don't have a problem with you being yourself Pete, and I know that next week I'll have forgotten about this, but there's a damn time and place to give your opinion, especially on something as delicate as what you felt the need to comment and give an opinion on. Not "caring" who sees it causes shit like this to happen, whether you thought it was a joke or not. Who else did you see laughing? Yeah, I'm sure making jokes at your father's funeral was hilarious, but that was your father's funeral. Me and Vicky's relationship is nothing to do with you.
It's no TFF secret that we're together, but we don't constantly broadcast it like other couples have done in the past. We have a little bit more dignity than that. It's hard enough with comments like the one you made. I'd really appreciate it if other people could respect that.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Ok look, I was being a **** and making fun of the whole couples thing. I did take the joke too far, and for that I do apologize. You're right, it really is none of my business and I should have respected that. The way I feel about it really has nothing to do with how I crossed the line in regards to you, and for that I do apologize.
I'm not referring to you when I say people are accusing us of trolling. There are a few people out there who look at us like all we do is try to troll and piss people off. Really, that's not CPC8's intent.
What I'm interested in is what this whole "bro" thing is. I've been seeing the word come up a lot, and I'm getting the feeling that it's being used very negatively to describe a few people here.
One other thing, the incident that we're all talking about here happened in SOLDIER. Why are we all looking at CPC8 for this, when everything was in a completely different group.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Meier said it himself that CPC8 is a substitutionary division of Soldier. =P
And I also have to stress this to the other staff, because it seems to be a common trait that causes problems.
Just because we're not offended by something, doesn't mean we should let it go. If it's against the rules, we act accordingly regardless of our own feelings toward it.
That is all.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Andro, the reason I bring it up is because over the last few conversations that have come up and CPC8 was pointed out, instead of the individual, people make CPC8 out to be an elitist cult that holds members there against their will by brainwashing. Mainly focusing on the cult dementia that some people have in reference to CPC8.
Also the thread title doesn't help.
Gemma, respect is a matter of opinion. Just because you don't deem certain people respectable doesn't mean that everyone else doesn't either.
I am certain there are quite a few people here that think that I am respectable and in retrospect that I am a total douche that doesn't deserve any form of respect.
Also in reference to the troll comment, you directly said I was trolling which I am not and then in your example you called someone else a troll with out coming out and saying it directly. If I have directly trolled someone, please let me know because I do not remember doing that.
In reality though that comment wasn't directed solely at you. It was geared to all the people that think that certain members of CPC8 are trolls and feel that they must lash out at them and neglect to do the same to others.
Like I said though, hopefully my response to your first post clears up the piss poor wording that I chose to use when I told people to "suck it up". I apologize once again since you took offense.
The whole "bro" thing came up because that is what Silver started referring to members of CPC8 as in a thread that was recently closed by Ocean with out directly referring to CPC8 itself.
I do in fact find a small amount of humor in the fact that something that was said in the Soldier forum has turned into a CPC8 issue.
Toph, that statement of mine was a piss poor attempt at humor haha.
:edit: Polk, I love you.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Originally Posted by Meier
Gemma, respect is a matter of opinion. Just because you don't deem certain people respectable doesn't mean that everyone else doesn't either.
I understand that. I didn't ask anyone to respect or not respect someone else based on my opinions. That's controlling and manipulative.
Also in reference to the troll comment, you directly said I was trolling which I am not and then in your example you called someone else a troll with out coming out and saying it directly. If I have directly trolled someone, please let me know because I do not remember doing that.
.... When did I call you a troll? @_@;;
Dude, are you reading my posts?
Originally Posted by Pete
Ok look, I was being a **** and making fun of the whole couples thing. I did take the joke too far, and for that I do apologize. You're right, it really is none of my business and I should have respected that. The way I feel about it really has nothing to do with how I crossed the line in regards to you, and for that I do apologize.
Thank you. Forgiven. (Not that you'd care xP)
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
By Entity in her first post in this thread:
You don't want to know what my first response to that was. My second response is follow the rules, quit trollin' and THEN suck it up before
This statement was made in direct relation to a statement that I had made. Which I took as you calling me a troll because in order to be "trollin'" I would in fact have to be a troll.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Originally Posted by
Meier Link
This statement was made in direct relation to a statement that I had made. Which I took as you calling me a troll because in order to be "trollin'" I would in fact have to be a troll.
Uh... it wasn't meant like that at all. I clearly stated my views on sucking it up.
If I was going to call you a troll, and I don't see why I would, I'd say it. And really make myself look stupid.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Originally Posted by
"With one of the most decorated
Is that what you call it? Do you guys even have membership cards?
in all of tff, along with three members getting appointed to moderator status after joining(Meier Link, Telegraph and Violet),
Pfft. Like they are even any good. Meier is a bro, Tele is an ass, and Violet isn't even around anymore.
could it be that co-founders Meier Link and Rocky are using the Crao Porr Cock8 group as a
As aaaaaaaaaaaa.....
Illuminati outlet to eventually make a new world order in the land of TFF forums?!"
NWO? Isn't that what you call the man? The administration? The control? You are all just puppets that Andro and Fuzz and Loco control. Somehow you managed to evade Merlin, but he was a defect anyway.
-quote from Occult Fan volume #69
Yeah I actually put this in quotes for your ass.
This is just a general feeling thread on what you think of the group.
Oh feelings. I remember those. Are you some sort of woman?!
And I am, under my second amendment.
to voice your thoughts, questions and/or opinions here.
Alright well I think you're all one giant group, and anything you do individually I will just be lazy and tack it onto the entire group. If you're going to show your **** to a cheerleader or have sex with 20 girls, you all did it, not just Meier.
I felt like making this because sometimes we get a bad rap for individual members and that some things could use a bit of clearing up, because I personally don't think we're all trolling assholeomo bros. :)
Maybe you should stop grouping homosexual people with assholes and bros because they're all separate and should be treated as such. And then maybe people won't group your entire CPC8 group together when one of your individuals say some shit.
How is any of this for my ****ing health? If anything it's for yours.
When I quoted this and looked at the link it had "repository" in it, and I at first thought it said "zapository".
Yeah that just happened.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
This whole thread is a troll.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Brett, maybe if you eat your vegetables and say your prayers, and are a good little bro, maybe Santa will leave you a CPC8 invitation under the tree. That is, unless I drink too much rum with my eggnog, piss in your garbage can and fall asleep in your car.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Originally Posted by
...Tele is an ass...
You see this middle finger? Well no, you don't, because you're not here, but I assure you it's extended while the other three and the thumb are clenched together in a fist. Merry Christmas to you too, buddy :P lol. And I zeroed in on that bit because that was the important part to me.
Meier, much love.
But as far as CPC8 goes, I vaguely remember the original intentions behind it, and it wasn't to offend people. It was more along the lines of things like this. So if a few people in the group are being not nice, it should not reflect on the group as a whole, as has been stated previously.
I will say that if you are someone who likes to just say whatever you feel like and don't care how anyone else takes it, that you should expect to have less right to be offended when someone else says whatever they want about you. Personally, I think there is a time and place for calling someone out on something (hint: it's not constantly that time) and there is a line that can be crossed, and it is a good idea to be mindful of where that line is. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
CPC8 shouldn't be involved in my opinion. LIKE AT ALL
Pete said something wrong he admitted he was wrong and he apologized isn't that enough?
I am friends with Unknown also well i consider myself to be. But CPC8 aren't at fault here Pete is but it's not like he drastically hurt anyone he got a little carried away and he apologized end of discussion in my opinion.
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
So wait, I've been brainwashed into joining CPC8? Well damn. I hope you guys used quality brainsoap.
As for the matter at hand, I suppose it's 'cause I miss threads with this stuff in them, but I take the Nix standpoint on this (pictured below)
Thank you for helping Andro, but I'm still a bit hazy on the matter. Ah well, better stay out of things and let them breeze by
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Originally Posted by
Brett, maybe if you eat your vegetables and say your prayers, and are a good little bro, maybe Santa will leave you a CPC8 invitation under the tree. That is, unless I drink too much rum with my eggnog, piss in your garbage can and fall asleep in your car.
Not likely to happen but thats still assuming I want one. Which I do.
And tele you're not so much an ass as you have a nice one, although a bit older than what I'm used to.
iluuuuu @ everyone in this thread
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Sounds pretty awesome. One of those things you'd kill to be a part of. These groups pop up once in a while anyways. There have been "rebellion" groups cause mods were all ****ed up at one point and kept banning some members for fun. I have been unbanned several times. but thats going back a ways.
At least this group is filled with people who dont really fack around....in my opinion the chosen was so much more fun, on a scale of 1-10 it was 69 fun, but it was mainly guys so i guess that comment is pretty 'mo.
futhermore, happy fackin quanza and I reckon you should all try to get into that special group of superfriends. thats right, i said it, SUPERFRIENDS!!!!
NSFRN holla
EDIT (Is this edit button new??): Now that I've read the thread rather than just replying on the initial posts, I feel the need to remind everyone this is an online community and if you dont respect/like reading peoples post/find things offensive because you're a ****ing pansy, dont read their posts! It's not like you're forced to read them, just skip by them, I dont read Pete's posts cause half of it is drunken gibberish, so I skip by it. I find all the nonesense bullshit talk about "Oh should i be a vegetarian" as lame as something could ever be, but I don't complain. Moreover, I dont make a thread to complain about a group that has a few people I hate on (like Tele, polk, and oceaneyes), I just pretend like they dont even exist.
ONLINE COMMUNITY, not something you need to come to and read every post by every member EVER.
Jesus christ, i thought the group idea was a little 'mo, but complaining about it how everyone has done is tranny bad!
I have crack cocaine in my signature, no one has ever said anything, people complained more when i had 200 flashing admin stars that would slow down the site....but you feel the need to complain about this....CALM
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Originally Posted by
rJ floW
in my opinion the chosen was so much more fun, on a scale of 1-10 it was 69 fun, but it was mainly guys so i guess that comment is pretty 'mo.
funniest sentence in this thread by far.
Vicky asked earlier but no, this isn't a troll thread by any means, it's just for us to get an understanding of what you all think of us.
ilu all merry christmas <3
Re: Does Crao Porr Cock8 = TFF Illuminati?
Originally Posted by
This whole thread is a troll.
This. I would be bothered reporting posts, but that hasn't exactly done anything in the past, so meh, I'd much rather just label the group a bunch of bro trolls.
Of course, I'm only referring to a few of the outspoken members, but they are the ones who make themselves seen the most. I don't suppose much will be said of CPC8 in a negative light as most detractors have left TFF or become inactive thanks to some of the activity. If that's what a person is into there are sites that do it better... :/