Okay so I'm no longer searching for people who like these guys, I'll settle for someone who actually knows who they are.
I've had one of their awesome olde skool casset tapes and have been listening but when I talk to other people at school, it seems no one knows even who they are.
Favorite song is probably Kiss off.
So anyone like 'em?
11-23-2010, 11:58 AM
Re: Violent Femmes??
i know them!!! i haven't listened to them in a few years though. i use to listen to them often in high school (6/7 years ago). hmmm....i feel the need to rediscover them now...
11-27-2010, 09:35 AM
Re: Violent Femmes??
I went to a Femmes concert 2 years ago. Best concert I have ever been to.
Best song
11-29-2010, 10:51 AM
Heh, cool man.
Y'know I've been trying to download a few of the songs I have on the tape but it seems the Violent Femms don't do ANY studio work. All the stuff is live and I can't seem to get just the song without the screaming fans.
Cource, were I at one of their concerts, I'd probably freakout too. :woot:
If you don't feel like clicking a link, search Violent Femmes "Add it up" Im sure it will come up. Its a best of album 1981-1993. My favorite song is "American Music". I haven't followed this band or even looked at anthing newer than the ablum I have linked but I own that one and really like it.
12-02-2010, 04:56 PM
Re: Violent Femmes??
Yeah add it up's good but it's still not my favorite.
It's just I can't ever seem to find their albums on store shelves. Then again I don't go to any specific music stores...
12-03-2010, 07:54 AM
Re: Violent Femmes??
As soon as I saw this I started hearing "Blister in the Sun" lol
My parents have been playing their CD's to me and my siblings since we were young, so I grew a fondness to them to this day, I love their music, but the titles often escape me lol. I think Blister in the Sun, Why Can't I Get Just One Kiss, um. . .I think that's the only titles I know ; - ; ah well, they still rule