I have looked on the internet and not found much not even found the name of it and yet a friend of mine seems to know the release date and other information. So anyone else looking forward to this game or have any information/trailers on it?
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I have looked on the internet and not found much not even found the name of it and yet a friend of mine seems to know the release date and other information. So anyone else looking forward to this game or have any information/trailers on it?
It's called The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. If your interested, here's a wiki article about it: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As for trailers, there's a bunch on youtube. Mostly from this past E3, but they're there. As for a release date, only the window of 2011 has been announced and no proper release date as of yet.
I want to say that I am looking forward to it, because I am a fan of the Zelda series, but I'm also a bit hesitant as well. Only real reason I have right now would be money issues.
I'm definitely looking forward to this title. The swordplay is what i'm looking forward to the most and hopefully it will pose a good story and neat locations throughout the universe.
and to add to the zelda subject i'd like to see someone make a skyward sword version of this rap just for laughs.
zelda rap
I've only just heard about it, i can't wait to buy it
Wow, this is news to me. I can't wait. I hope its good, cause its gonna be tough to follow up Twilight Princess.
I still wish it had the same graphics of Twilight princess, better graphics makes me take the game more seriously...>.>
I hope for the sake of zelda fans that this( YouTube - E3 2010 Nintendo's funny (or embarrassing) moments on E3 2010) is not a sign of things to come. I would happily play this game with a normal joypad. I resent the Wiimote.
I cannot wait for this game, I Love all of the Zelda's so far!
Hope its cool, looks like combined WW and TP.
I liked Twilight Princess but most of the dungeons were boring at times and the boss battles were so easy.
If the new one has the difficulty of ALttP and the funness of OoT,MM and WW, that would be awesome.
One thing for sure, it will have more improved graphics and gameplay than TP.
Was disappointed in the last game on DS: Spirit Tracks which was a stupid game and happened 100 years after WW/PH, and frankly had a stupid storyline.
Hopefully they will leave that crap behind and do something awesome.
Most of what everyone said, I will completely agree with.
I do love the Legend of Zelda series, and I'm very excited for the release of this game.
Zidane made some very good points, and I feel the same about Twilight Princess. As much as I've seen though, Skyward Sword looks great. Unfortunately, the Wiimote is not for me either. I did watch the video posted previously, and it's either the creators are really sloppy at playing their own games, or hopefully they just haven't worked out all the bugs. But regardless, I'd very much like to sit down and relax in a chair instead of having to swing my arms in an attempt to kill something.
Yes you can... open up the side thingy and... plug it in... lol
It comes out the spring lol I learned that when my lady told me she preordered it for my christmas gift.
Needless to say I got my Link hat out of my drawer and have been waiting in anticipation since
I wanna Link hat...maybe I'll cut the trim off my Santa hat and dye it green.