Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
So apparently, from what I hear the newest Japanese magazine leak confirms a new FFVII spinoff called for the DS. Won't really know until the Famitsu scans show up in a couple days.
In case you think this is an AFJ thought up by me. I actually heard it from a reliable friend, she'll be able to provide scans when she gets her issue of Famitsu in a couple days.
Anyone else hear anything about this?
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Nope. This is news to me. :D Do you think it might be a port of the cell phone game Before Crisis? That's my guess, but then again, why would they do that when cell phone games are pretty popular in Japan? *shrugs*
Can't wait to see the screenshots. ;D
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Originally Posted by
Nope. This is news to me. :D Do you think it might be a port of the cell phone game Before Crisis? That's my guess, but then again, why would they do that when cell phone games are pretty popular in Japan? *shrugs*
Can't wait to see the screenshots. ;D
Because quite possibly, the Nintendo DS is even more popular.
I have not heard anything but will be off to search the interwebz of any bits of information lying about. With it being on the DS I could see the game starting off Denzel's story in the Final Fantasy VII universe since in one of the released products of the expanded universe said that Cloud's story was done ( :( ) and Denzel was to take up the charge. Denzel to me has very little connection to the events of the past with Sephiroth or the Genesis arc; Cloud has the connection and should continue but oh well.
This was all speculation and dependant on the fact that Square Enix was indeed creating a new Final Fantasy VII spinoff.
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Yeah no idea what it could be, I know there was plans for a PSP port of Before Crisis that never happened, maybe they thought DS was the better choice. It wasn't exactly top of the line graphics. It looked like the Ace Attorney Investigations game.
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Wow, this sounds great! I wonder what it's gonna be like. My guess is that it's gonna be an action rpg (or possibly a stragegy game like Revenant Wings). This gives me a reason to find my DS again. I can't wait for the scans!
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
I hope it's Before Crisis for DS :)
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Square Enix should just stop with all this FFVII milking. The only thing that I would accept would be a full on remake. They should just decide if they are willing to remake the game or not, and be done with it.
I don't understand why there needs to be several other games to tell what happened before or after the game either. I thought the game was enough and explained things well enough.
I would not be interested in playing this supposed game, especially if it is for the DS.
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
You know Cain, if anyone but you had posted this I would have called bullshit right away.
As it stands I believe it and am already shaking my head...
Still I guess there's a chance it might be another Crisis Core which wasn't half bad...
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Originally Posted by
You know Cain, if anyone but you had posted this I would have called bullshit right away.
E-even me? ;(
Although I think everything said about FFVII needs to be taken with a pinch-of-salt nowadays. Not to mention tomorrow is April the 1st, so we do have our suspicions...
I really want this to be a port of something, like Before Crisis or the original, because every new game seems to butcher the story so much so that I ignore what they say. Like that deepground crap.
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
so do you know if i can download it onto my R4 FLASHCARD for the DS? or if i have to actually buy the game?
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Originally Posted by
so do you know if i can download it onto my R4 FLASHCARD for the DS? or if i have to actually buy the game?
piracy is so not cool, dude
Anyway, it's HERE!
FFVII Remake
-New Battle System like the previous DS FFs
-Aerith's death will be CG along with other scenes
-Cloud cries when Aerith dies
-New music, the songs are "The Tables Have Turned" and "Till Death Do Us
Part" that will be sampled at E3
-No more date mechanics, Aerith's date is going to be used
-It was hard to get the rights to do this and that's one reason they
didn't announce it sooner
-Cloud and Tifa's scene in the lifestream will have more emotion
-It seems to be called "The Earth's Cries" (EC, lol)
-The interview seems to be out of order (??)
-The reason they didn't do a PS3 one was because it'd be too much work and
it might ruin the "classic" feel.
-The DSi will have a special version"
OMG! They finally did it! 0_0
I can imagine the PS3 fanboys and graphic whores are disappointed though :P
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Well, I guess this thread doesn't seem so silly anymore:
Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?
I'll have to soak this in for a minute before I give a full opinion. I am in utter shock right now. No lie.
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
-Cloud cries when Aerith dies
-New music, the songs are "The Tables Have Turned" and "Till Death Do Us
Part" that will be sampled at E3
-No more date mechanics, Aerith's date is going to be used
oh christ... the Cleriths and what they're gonna do with this >_<
Okay I don't normally post anywhere but the LTD thread... just two things.
1. The other day I made a thread at TLS as a joke saying we were due for another FFVII remake rumor and someone posted in there and said his friend was "going on about a DS remake"... I thought he was kidding but... now I'm starting to wonder.
2. I want to see some actual SCANS of those pictures before I believe it completely. Actual scans with actual Japanese text that a translator can assure me this isn't a joke.
Not trying to be a bitch but can your source get some actual scans?
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Cain is reliable. He'd have sniffed the joke of this out before it was put infront of him if it was.
I was actually looking forward to a PS3 remake. I'm not a graphics whore, but the DS =/= PSOne graphics. If I decide to get this game, I'll just be buying it for the improvements of certain scenes. Anywho, I guess it's good news.
And for ****s sake, I should have got the DSi. ><
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Has Square Enix been afflicted from madness of C'thulu?!?!
Where is a Final Fantasy V DS remake?! Gilgamesh demands it!
Well Unknown Entity, the battles may not look as good on the DS, but the field graphics will be better - the character models won't have Popeye Syndrome. This news is quite shocking and I did not expect this - I would've preferred that they continue/finish up the FFVII universe.
Something just stroke my mind - the translation will be better! At least I hope they update the translation and perhaps add some new scenes. This is now turning out to be very good, very good indeed.
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
I don't care how it looks, how it plays, or even if it sells good. If it has Sephiroth, I will purchase it.
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Okay I'll take your guy's word for it. I didn't mean to sound so cynical :(
I just wanted to be sure... shouldn't this be like pinned or something?
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Okay guys got a couple scans. I like how they;ve redone the models to look like FFIII and IV DS
I just wanted to be sure... shouldn't this be like pinned or something?
It's okay, there'll be enough discussion to keep it at the top.
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Well it's hit several other sites now, so on the offchance it's an April Fool's joke it's a group effort.
Supposed game screenshots below:
Final Fantasy VII Heading to Nintendo DS at C3 News
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Wow those magazine scans are awesome...
Seems to have conflicting info with the other article though... but that's two sources saying it's for the DS and both say Famitsu so I'm convinced now...
I think the article posted might not be real or it has prototype shots... I believe the magazine scans because they have an actual DS model in them but... yeah I dunno here XD but yeah two sites reporting it is awesome.
Wait maybe the magazine scan is the DSi one
Okay so I think that article is fake but the other one is real. I think it's just bad timing.. the article has the tag "afd" for April Fools day :P
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
if you are correct about this whole DS business then that means i need to buy my psp and ps3 back and get a new DS, im currently limited to Xbox360 and P.c.
Final fantasy is not cost effective lol but i dont care, i do hope however that it is a version of before crisis
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Oops, looks like there was one scan missing, here it is
Shows the new logo
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
That new add-on to the title - The Earth Cries - isn't sexy, cool, or worthy of being a slave for C'thulu. While the timing of this information being released (or leaked) is suspicious, I'll take it as being true. They should've kept the title the same, just good ol' Final Fantasy VII. C'mon they didn't add anything to Final Fantasy III or Final Fantasy IV so why do it with Final Fantasy VII. I also see the year, 2011, is that a possible release date??
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
I wonder if this has been proven as a fabrication, yet... I'll keep my suspicions plentiful.
Oh, BTW, SEPHIROTH!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
this would prove also that SQUARE ENIX CAN DO ANYTHING.
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Alright time to come forward. This one was mine guys, it's an April Fools joke. Worked my ass off on it too...
I thought people would get a kick out of it and looks like some people with a sense of humor sure did. Thanks for being good sports guys ^_^
The DS Cloud was done by a talented fellow named Jalechah. The Midgar belongs to Noen Garuth. There IS an actual Japanese interview in the text but... looks like no one looked that close. The interview was translated by Makoto Miyoshi, Mayu Sota and Ken Suzuki.. and some text came from my friend Demon Rin. Special thanks to those who supported me. A few more people helped with things here and there but wished to remain anonymous, thanks guys.
Now a few things.
I did have a friend of mine draw a something for this:
Commission: Cloud by ~joshyartist on deviantART
But we felt it didn't quite fit in with anything. But it's uber cute and I love it, thanks Josh :D
There are also other DS Cloud poses if you want to see them...
Although I was expecting people might be pissed to find out they'd been fooled I was surprised that people were pissed that someone even tried such a prank. I guess a remake of FFVII is a bit overdone, but it's not my fault Square wouldn't STFU about it :P I guess AFD will always be different to me. It's the one day where you can basically get away with being a total idiot and no one can blame you :P
Well here's hoping your guy's April Fools did better than mine.
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
Of course I was one of the guys who helped out. I'm usually one of those guys who doesn't care for April Fool's jokes, but I know Quexinos from another board and was happy to help out.
Really sorry to those who actually believed it though ;_;
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
*activates normal mode*
As I suspected. Looked too cheap and underbudget to be real. :p
Sneaky stuff, I must say, Cain! I had my suspicions, but a small piece of me was convinced for a moment there. Then again, that same piece was also convinced by Lightning in Dissidia. :ohno: (You know what they say about the "fool me once..." thing...)
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
This was a pretty good April Fool's joke. I have to admit that I was fooled because Cain is the one who posted this, and it was posted before April 1st. I think if anyone else posted this, I word have been pretty leery, but Cain just seems like a reliable guy, I guess. :LOL:
This was probably the best April Fool's joke I saw all day, if that is any compliment. =/
re: Final Fantasy VII DS? It's an April Fool's Joke guys!!
heh considering some of the other reactions I got, that does mean a lot, thanks :P