Do you think its a duty of every man to be polite and show constant courtesy to females, but shun other men?
My mother brought me up in the ways of Chivalry and that was a big effort because she was one woman against four men in our family but despite the odds my mother raised me well and to not only be courteous to women but to everyone, whats the saying you get what you give. She even taught us to put the toilet seat down yes a man that puts the toilet seat down lol now you may think the odds are in favour of the men, why should the men put the seat down to one woman while there are four men in the house nevertheless we did that as well as letting woman through doorways first or offering a seat especially a pregnant woman i would go out of my way to help a pregnant woman and elderly people.
They opened the door but instead of holding it open then pratically slammed it in my face! Now I'm not saying they were supposed to hold the door or anything but I'm just saying, its common courtesy, but in the case of women holding the door for a man or letting a man go first or hell even an elderly man go first its like they don't believe in doing that, but men (from which I'm seen alot) literally break there necks just to let women go first! But most women don't show any kind of courtesy at all, it's always about them. Which leads me to gender stereotypes.
I don't find that it is just woman yes some people think they above everyone else wehther it be woman or man and i do encounter these people all the time they are just plan inconsiderate and rude so i don't just think it is narrowed to woman in this case.
Women complain that they aren't being treated fairly, that men overshadow them in the workplace and they feel scared and threated. But if you noticed or rather I have noticed that most women are literally acting for shit to happen to them. I mean I used to work with the most sluttiest woman at this restarurant I used to work out, and she always dressed like a slut and complained alot that she was always being sexually harassed by the male workers, but she was hitting on them! And one of the male workers got fired because of her slutty behind. Women can also play the role of the victims and blame men for all the problems.
Yes i think that is true and i do believe that i have heard of stories that are the same case where the woman complain and try and get the men fired and in trouble but yet they bring it upon themselves and then some women are just plain bitches sorry for the language but it is true they can be kiniving pieces of work and are out to get the men in the workplace, but it is should be the mans will to avoid situatiuon but we are to dumb and blame it on the woman, having said that that is not my general oipinion i have worked besides plenty of woman and they have been nice, hard workers, and determined to get the job done.
In fact women have been the downfall of men all throughout history (except for me), and this makes me think why men even bother at all. And most women act like assholes, seriously when I'm sitting on the bus and I want to have the seat to myself because I'm tired and drained, some woman comes and starts complaining that I took her seat, but I got on before her...>_>. Sorry if this sounded like a rant but it's been bothering me lately. I have a couple questions for both the men and women of TFF.
I don't think they are the down fall of man just the downfall of our finances and manly freedom. In general i will be courteous and polite to anyone, sometimes i can be a total arse and be rude it depends on the mood i am in but i will always will offer help to pregnant woman or the elderly or if i see someone struggling with something.
I hold the door open for anyone. What pisses me off is when you don't get a "Thank you!". I also give my seat up on the bus for the elderly and pregnant women, because (I think so anyway) thats normal and fair.
Yes that also pisses me off especially when you go out of your way to hold a door open or let them in from a slip lane on a busy street while driving. So i just say jog on :shake:
It's nice and everything, but I don't need it. I'm perfetly capable of opening a door standing on my own two feet thank you. I don't feel it is a must, although I welcome it. Also, I don't blame men - or women for that matter - for my problemos. I don't dress like a slut, but if I did I would be aware that there would be men who would hit on me - one of those things that go with the territory.
Yes and then you can also get the woman that like to feel independant and don't like help or are disgruntled when offered help, but like i said even if the woman does dress sluty it should be up to the men to restrain themselves especially in the workplace. And to those you don't like a helping hand i also say JOG ON :shake:
But then again i am someone you rarely accepts help but only because i am a perfectionist and like things done my way and feel that if any way else is a part of it they will ruin it so i can't really talk.