Skins and Themes for comps.
I recently got sick of the whole look of my computer, so I revammped everything, got new skins for everything and downloaded rocketdock, which is a great tool for windows users.
So does anyone else use skins on any programs? if so post em up and lets see the themes you got going.
In my theme I've gone for a dark sleek kinda minimalistic theme.
This is my windows theme. I forget what it's call but I really like the toolbar and the kind of roundness it gives everything. I found the background on a site, I thought it went well with it.
This is my internet browser theme. I use Opera 9.5 and this skin is really nice I think quite simple but stylish.
Finally my MSN skin. this has been editing due to swearing and I don't wish to give out email adresses. I really dispise the orginal skin that comes with MSN it is quite boring and annoying. This again is the same as the rest of them, and with the help of MSN Plus! I made it so everybody who writes to me their font is Arial and is white, so i can plainly see it.
So yeah thats my theme. Anyone else have skins or themes they use? Or am I just a wacko?