Scheduled Forum Maintenance (Oct. 19)
At the following time, we will be performing maintenance on The Final Fantasy Forums. During this period, the forums will be unavailable.
Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.
[Date & Time]
Sunday, Oct. 19, 2008 from 8:00 to 15:00 (EST)
* Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.
[Maintenance Details]
- Forum maintenance
- Database cleanup
- Other tidbits to be decided
Possible Questions and their Answers:
- Q: When are you going to work on the forums? ___ isn't working!
A: I believe the bright red text is self-explanitory. If you're still not sure, check the calendar. :smash: - Q: Can I still post while the forums are being worked on?
A: No. The forums will be closed. - Q: But I really need to go on TFF on Sunday!! Can you make an exception?
A: No... - Q: What exactly will you be doing?
A: It's listed in the announcement above. - Q: Will you be adding any new features?
A: No. Depreciated features will be removed, along with some other useless crap. - Q: ZOMG my favorite feature is ____!!!111one Are you removing it?!?
A: Probably... because I hate you. :p - Q: Why do you hate me? I don't even know you.
A: Because you are asking stupid questions... The "popular" features are not being removed. If by some chance you happened to be using a depreciated feature that is being removed, sorry. - Q: My question isn't listed here, is it safe to post?
A: Probably...