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    Why Erasure?
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    not to stupis its funny spid it means its not stupid but funny i played it just then
  3. View Conversation
    haha i played robot unicorn so funny its stupid i loved it!
  4. View Conversation
    Amazing , you must be the grey healthy guy then
    really drinking water is veeeeeeeeeeeeery healthy for your body but during winter I may spend days forgetting we have something called water , milk is good either , I don't feel I hate any kind of drinks but some flavors like mango , I dislike it
    have you tried mint with lemon , woow it too delicious
    I think i'm gonna go mix and drink them and your welcome to join ^_______*
  5. View Conversation
    As for my birth day , it never goes more far than being a birthday ,
    which means to say , Oh see today is my birthday ,really ? then happybirthday
    It is a moment to remind me how I grew up , what good things have I done and how can I make up for my mistakes , how much did I change and was it good or bad ? what should I do to have greater Himi as for my 23 birthday , or does really the knowledge I have suit my age and how much work awaits for me for making self development .As to thank Allah that one year passed and I'm still among the living breathing ,living happily with my family and having everything I want as I suppose , everyone is fine and doing great ,
    but big celebrations don't take place in my religion and culture for bithdays ,
    so people don't matter about it , may be that would appear a bit strange for you and everyone since they don't know much more about Muslims culture but generally we have two great celebrations each year that muslims all over the world celebrate , it is our religion ,it forms our life style dear Zargabaath
  6. View Conversation
    weird , I always wonder about people who don't like tea or coffee what do they drink instead ?
  7. View Conversation
    I will go drink tea with mommy now , and be back sooooooooon
  8. View Conversation
    Woow sounds interesting
    thanks for Hip hip hooraying me ^_______^
  9. View Conversation
    Oh Grey Man , thanks ^^
    waiting for you to become 22^_________^
    but what hip hooray??
  10. View Conversation
    Haha... You know me too well. If you hadn't clarified, I would have been all like "Wuht?" and then have to ask what your message meant. xD I'm sure the original trilogy is easier to come by than some of the spinoffs, but if I can't find them, I can just get them from my older brother.
  11. I'm not into those kind of games, but for every single Genre, there is one game that sucks me in. I could try it.

    And I was temporarily. The Olympics Hockey Games.
  12. View Conversation do love your pierogies, don't you? That was nice of you to go to your GF's house while she's ill. Have you thought about getting her some pedialyte (Gatorade works too) to drink? That has essential vitamins and electrolytes that will help her feel better, and it tastes better than just plain water.

    I haven't really played any RTS games myself, but I suppose your GF is expanding her gaming tastes a bit. Always good to try something new! Glad to hear that Nier is pretty good so far.
  13. View Conversation
    Well...not as bad as I thought I would, but I did get in a pretty big nap that I probably shouldn't have had. I really need to get my sleep schedule back on track.

    How about you? How did you spend your day?
  14. View Conversation
    Funny what anger can lead a person to think, yeah? Either that, or it's just an annoying plot device for Hope and Snow...I'll assume that you probably think the latter. xD

    Hmm... Well, I'm not ashamed to admit that I dislike Vanille for the petty reasons that you've heard most people complain about. It's cool that you can look past that and find the real issues that some of these characters have in terms of being "flawed"...though I suppose that flaws like that make them more personable to the player.

    Ha... A l'Cie's focus... I almost started a thread about that. =P Not to ask what exactly the focus was, but just to point out that the fal'Cie would get a lot more accomplished from their chosen ones if they would be more direct as to what they need/want done. xD It really doesn't help matters if all a l'Cie gets is a very vague vision as to what needs to be done (if they even get that... I don't think Serah even got any sort of real hint as to what her focus was...) As for the things you pointed out...I didn't even notice that it was stated like that in the datalog. I admit that I sort of skim over the datalog, and don't soak up a lot of the info presented... It's just soooo muuuuch teeeeext!!!! I think it would have been more effective to have a character explain stuff like this to the player rather than have to read up on it. But eh...what can we do about it now? Or ever for that matter?

    Well, since we're discussing PSICOM...have you noticed that some of the PSICOM soldiers look an awful lot like helghast from the Killzone games? xD I stumbled across a discussion about that, and thought it was funny, so I shared it with you!

    The must have been trained by the same people who trained Stormtroopers then. They have about the same aim when it comes to firearms...or rather, the same lack of aim.

    P.S.- Why yes. It is 4:30 in the morning when I'm sending this message to you. Another sleepless night for me, and yet I'll probably be passed out for most of the day.
  15. View Conversation
    Yeah, what's the deal with JRPGs and nearly all the heroes being pretty much kids? There are a few exceptions, but mainly it's late-teens to very early 20 year olds that are doing all the heroic stuff... D=< Oh, well. At least I'm young at heart! Hmmm... I suppose I can do the Alka-Seltzer trick like what the kids did in the movie The Little Giants! Easy way to foam at the mouth. xD

    I did think that was pretty lame as well. I honestly didn't know why Hope thought it was Snow's fault to begin with. I suppose it was when Hope saw that Nora slipped out of Snow's he probably assumed that he just let her fall to save his (Snow's) own skin... Honestly, the more I think about it, the more confused and frustrated with both characters I become.

    Oh Vanille... She is the ditzy character archetype that I never seem to ever really like in any game. She really is just a fanservice character...I think. Though I did see that she had potential to be great (or somewhat more interesting than what she is now). She hid her guilt with optimism that pretty much had everyone fooled...but it was ruined when she came across as a little too "hyperactive"...which annoyed me. Oh, and her sexualized battle groans? WTH??? I'm not a perv or anything, but seriously...what was her VA thinking when she was instructed to make those sounds???

    Yeah, I was surprised to see Yaag return in that one CG scene after the crew escapes the Palamecia. Thought that he was gone, and got a worse send off than what Jihl got...but apparently he still has some sort of other function he has to carry out before he really gets killed off... Well, to be fair, the characters that we control are l'Cie, so maybe their power can stand up to "Psicom Elite"... I don't think that Lightning would have known that, since very little was known about l'Cie...especially about their battle prowess. Eh, I'm just speculating at this point, and your deductions probably hold more ground that what I came up with. I was actually wondering why we didn't get a boss fight with Jihl myself... I mean, she was pretty much set up to be an interesting opponent, but then just got shafted...

    HA! I wondered that myself as well. xD I was like "Okay, now this is just silly..." I mean, he could have held out his jacket with a stick or something, and it would have made a lot more sense. I don't care if the game is called "Final FANTASY"... You seriously cannot get away with something like that and expect the player to have a suspension of disbelief that his arm did not get shot off!

    Well, getting at least some semblance of freedom will be a heck of a lot better than where I'm stuck at now.
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About Zargabaath

Basic Information

Date of Birth
June 28, 1988 (36)
About Zargabaath
Born in N.Y, lived their till '96 moved to VA. Dragon Quest got me into RPGs, FF X first FF game I beat.
Crashing the Alexander into your home.
Baseball (sports in general as well). Reading (fantasy/sci-fi & phil.) RPGs. Dance Rhythm Games. RTS games.
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FF games that you have either played or own

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Other FF Games:
FF Type-0 HD, FF7: Crisis Core, FF7: Advent Children, FF: Adventure, FF: Tactics, FF12: Revenant Wings, FF: 4 Heroes of Light, Dissidia Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Dimensions


Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x


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