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  1. Dude...I Was Up All Night Trying To Get The Loot To Make The Weapon...Damn Its Hard, But I'm Almost Done. What You Need: 3 Gemsteels, 3 Empyreal Souls, And 3 Serpentariuses. So Far This Is What I Have: 3 Gemsteels, 1 Empyreal Soul, And 2 Serpentariuses...I Am So Close...But Now I Need More Loot To Make Loot Used To Make The Loot I Need to Make The Weapon...And Its Frikken Hard...XD
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    Yeah, I've been making myself just stay overtime at work lately, since I got docked about 5 hours of comp time, for blowing a red light, and having it caught on camera. I've been chilling in the office and just bsing with people until about 5pm every day, which sucks since I'm officially done at 3.

    As for the nut cancer, or lack thereof, it was honestly the scariest week and a half of my life. Kinda funny in retrospect, since the technician doing the ultrasound on the boys was a pretty hot chick, and all I was thinking is "Ok, don't get it up" but given the situation, I don't think it would have happened anyway.

    It's great that you got a new job, and I totally know the position you're in, but it's nice to know that you'll have something while you look for something else. It's also good that you'll be taking some summer classes. Are you looking for a degree in anything?

    Ike is one of my favorites too this year. I don't know why, but I feel like the team is much more likable in general. I can't believe Wright got a clutch homer to win a game. He hasn't done that in years. Unfortunately, I do think that if the Mets aren't contending, and Reyes is having the year that he is, he'll be traded. What sucks though is that he'll be sought after by a good team, who won't be willing to part with anyone on his caliber, in the pros. He'd probably be worth some prospects, but I don't think any of them could ever have his spark. As for Beltran, he'll probably be dealt as well. We're definitely not re-signing him, and what scares me is that Reyes will want something like 6years and 90 million, and Alderson seems to be avoidant of big contracts. I'll cry if they trade Wright though.
  3. I See. Well, Hope Things Will Turn Out Great With You And Your GF

    Grrr...Why Can't I Come Up With More To Say? Dangit...I Am Sorry Man

    I Did However Played FFVII Like A Couple Days Back For A Little Bit. I'm At The Temple Of The Ancients. Got Cloud To lvl 45 From 44, Got Aerith To lvl 39 From 38, And Got Barret To lvl 44 From 43. Also Trying To Get Fire 3 And Quake 3. And I'm Kinda Stuck At The Part With The Boulder's You Gotta Time Yourself Correctly To Make It Through. Finally Figured Out How To Approach It Now. Also Got A Guide To Get Myself The Tournesol Weapon In FFXII, Which I Am Gonna Try To Get Tonight. Have You Played FFXII Yet? If So, How Far Are You?
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    I kinda got the sir/miss referance but I didn't know it was a word from an actuall language. I guess before the thread I never gave too much thought to it.
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    Well I don't know anything about sanskrit. I just noticed strange accents and a general population that seemed... kinda stoner-ish.

    I've no clue what it means but it feels like everyone calls you Bruda. (Even though it's not)
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    Florida??? That's quite surprising to hear, but I'm glad she finally got a place to stay. Good news for her at freaking last. What's the deal with the dad's wife though? Did she feel threatened by her or something? (not in a "violent" sense, but in a more jealous sense of the word...that's what it seems like to me anyway )

    Good luck with the interview! If you see Christoper Walken working in the Beyond section, and he offers you a universal remote, don't take it. Things will only end in tears. (Click reference )
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    I know, I'm waiting for the bad, which can very easily come about any day if I'm not careful

    I've been considering looking for a new job, but my friend keeps convincing me the one I have now is the best paying one I can get for now.

    Well at it's good she has a secure place to go to. Do you think you'll be able to visit her/ have her come closer to where you live?
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    Yeah, one of my biggest problems was laid to rest, I finished paying off my bass, and I finished my college exams for the semester
    How about you?
  9. Well, I'm Hoping My Girlfriend Decides To Move To My City, Get An Appartment, So I Can Move In With Her And Start My New Life Together With Her Also Why I'm Trying To Find A Job, But School Has Been Keeping Me Busy, So Its Kinda Hard...Hehe
  10. Your So Quiet Man. Did You Do Anything New Lately?
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    Haha I don't think I would want to stay there either. Our Walmarts are such Zoos -_-; in fact, there was a bomb threat at the once closest to me yesterday night haha. My brother went to buy boxers apparently, and he saw a ton of people outside. I found out from his fb status, and when he got home I was rofling.

    I can actually, I dont use my ipod, but I'm allowed to use the radio. I would rather file in quiet instead since I'm not a fan of the radio anyway.

    Hm. She wouldn't be able to crash with you?

    Annnnnd It's fine haha nothing I can't handle yet
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    lol it's my favorite pattern! hah, I decided to change it up. I got bored. There's absolutely nothing new in my life like always, except I have a temporary job. I only work Fridays at an office for a construction company up until they dont need me anymore. (all I do is file)

    And wow, D; I hope everything goes well for her. that really sucks.

    Well, at least her life is far more interesting than mine ^^;;;? baha.
    That's pretty exciting though, that she was able to contact her father. That's a plus!
  13. View Conversation
    Ohai. I just realized, I haven't talked to you in days.

    SOOOooooo HI !!!!!!!!!!!
  14. View Conversation
    I said something about FF1 through FF6 not being worth playing because the graphics insulted my sensibilities, and you gave me neg rep for it, heh.
  15. View Conversation
    Sorry for being a graphics whore and giving you crap for the neg rep, haha. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I was Idiot With Hair. I don't know how offended you are, but I hope you know I was just kidding about that. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
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About Zargabaath

Basic Information

Date of Birth
June 28, 1988 (36)
About Zargabaath
Born in N.Y, lived their till '96 moved to VA. Dragon Quest got me into RPGs, FF X first FF game I beat.
Crashing the Alexander into your home.
Baseball (sports in general as well). Reading (fantasy/sci-fi & phil.) RPGs. Dance Rhythm Games. RTS games.
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FF Collection

FF games that you have either played or own

Main Series:
Other FF Games:
FF Type-0 HD, FF7: Crisis Core, FF7: Advent Children, FF: Adventure, FF: Tactics, FF12: Revenant Wings, FF: 4 Heroes of Light, Dissidia Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Dimensions


Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x


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