Conversation Between Tiger Lily and Lunasa

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha, thank you! I'd like to think I've got Vet points, but I've only been here about two years. I'm like a toddler compared to some. =O One day I'll be a Vet. One day...
    *tips imaginary hat* May the best cam-whore win. (Heads up - I've got my semi-formal on Tuesday. Photos ahoy! =P)
  2. Muahaha! Maybe! You're pretty, too. That and you have Vet brownie points.
  3. Hello there! Have a VM, as you're awesome and I happen to be on your profile page.

    Man, you're going to give me a run for my money as TFF's biggest camera whore in the awards this year. Not that that's suuuuch a bad thing. You're very pretty. ^^
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