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    No, I haven't died. No, I didn't commit suicide. But I still fail. Nargh!

    Hm, so far I had the feeling my parents always knew what they were talking about - and also found the right words for it. So unfortunately I can't blame my parents.. XD

    Isn't there a way for you to take the SATs NOW? Over here, you can take nearly every exam even when you already work. You have to do a whole LOT and mostly you have to study in the evenings, but it IS possible.

    That's strange. Has he called you back? I somehow hope he didn't. It doesn't seems as if he's a nice person. Oo"

    On Saturday I took my other maths exam. On the same day they corrected it. (They're... crazy. ^^") I only got a 4.0 (D, I suppose) That sucks. Especially as I was sure I did quite well. :/ Whatever... But now my motivation's gone. Still have to take 3 exams until the end of the term. Nargh.

    I hope you've done your taxes xP
  2. View Conversation
    Thank you very much for encouraging me. <3 I really appreciate it! And I feel much better after reading your message.
    I'll answer yours tomorrow, though. I have the feeling I should go to bed soon. I have to get up at 7 am tomorrow and I shouldn't be all sleepy in my exam. ^^"
    So, good night!
  3. View Conversation
    Hah, guess who also has brain farts all the time - yep, me. ^^" Sometimes you switch your brain off, it seems. I did that a lot today. When my boyfriend called me and asked me what I'd done in the last half hour I even said: "I don't know. I know I did something, but I didn't think about it, so I... just forgot it." @_@ Ooor the last message I wrote to you.. shure... *SHUDDERS*

    So, basically, you're able to go to university after finishing High School? I thought nearly everybody went to College in the US... but I'm probably mistaken. ^^"
    Why didn't you go to university? It seems it's not as complicated as in Germany. (Over here you have the choice of THREE types of school, and only one ends with being able to go to university. It seems to be way easier at your place. Surely you don't split the classes after the Elementary School. ^^")

    If I remember correctly, my sister got the cat from her husband last year in April. So it isn't that old. A year or even one and a half. Still pretty young. Buut! We have an older cat at our place (at home) who doesn't really like to play anymore. She's... ten years old I think. At least she's pretty calm. She's just noisy at night when she feels lonely. (At least we think she feels lonely, as our second cat died last year in summer.... died... or rather: disappeared. But I've given up hope that the cat still lives...)

    XD This director seems to be a funny guy. A jealous bartender... yeah, right. ^^
    Will you be at the shooting again, if he really manages to shoot again? Maybe you don't feel like shooting with this guy anymore, like the other ones...

    Wow, seems like your work was even enjoyable!
    My schooling... well, could be better, could be worse.
    I must admit, I was pretty proud of myself for the first two terms, as I didn't fail in ANY exam I'd written. (Okay, sometimes it still was a D, but I couldn't have done it ANY better XD")
    But today, in my maths exam... I think I failed. You can't imagine how bad I feel. Especially in maths!! T_T It feels like... like... I don't know. Just failing. I understood EVERYTHING in the lectures and learning it was fun and... I even wrote in the last message that I understood everything. THAT WAS THE CASE!!! But I still failed today.
    Tomorrow I'm gonna do another maths exam (I have three this term. I admit that was a stupid idea. I should've known that was way to much for me...) I'm really interested if I'll fail again. But this time I'm really sure I'll pass. Gosh I was also sure yesterday. T_T""
    Sorry if I bothered you with my whining, but I'm just frustrated at the moment. And I suppose it's good for my writing skills if I whine in English. Haha. My humor's gotten quite black today...

    I really, really hope you've a better life, better friends and more success at the moment. I really wish everyone a better life than mine was in the last few days.
    (Friends, because a good friend of me started a fight. And no, I won't whine about THAT as well. I tried to distance myself from that conflict because of my exams @_@)

    And now I've written so much again @_@
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    Well, they're called mid-term-exams, so they are exams, but not the final ones. ^^ I'm just too lazy to write "mid-term" each time.
    Besides, I'm taking a break again XD But I stopped to take a break an hours earlier than yesterday. :> And as for now I'm pretty sure everything'll be fine tomorrow in my (mid-term-)exam. That's a great feeling... knowing you'll be able to handle everything. Hopefully I'll get a good grade, too! I had fun learning for this course, after all. :>
    Oh and I'm not sure about university in the US... I think it's WAY different from our university. Somehow I get the feeling I'd be on a college rather than university if I were in the US. Where do you actually study to become a teacher?! I really have no clue about the US school system... I know about Junior High and High School - but everything that comes after just left my head a few years ago.

    That's exactly what my sister's cat does. @.@ Destroying and biting everything she sees. Fortunately there are no posters in the living room, so she can't tear them down... (She would, if there were any, I'm pretty sure she would!)
    Gosh, and forgive me if you find any spelling mistakes in this message. I feel I'm not able to spell correctly anymore. @..@ (I wanted to write "shure" instead of "sure"... and I'm still not sure if it's really exactly. That word looks so... strange @_@)

    It's okay. I think she just doesn't like my writing style. :/ Without you there would've been WAY more mistakes, so probably you helped me achieve a 3.0 instead of a 3.7 (which would be D+ !)

    Did they actually tell you to pick that person up? And WHEN did they tell you? I can't image that they've been angry at you the whole day long.. I mean: Why? The person came to the shooting nevertheless, didn't he/she? So there shouldn't be a problem..
    You know, I hate drunk people... So I wouldn't have been able to cope with this director AT ALL. ^^"" I can understand that they're all pissed, due to his behavior. But I wouldn't stop shooting forever because of that...

    I hope you had fun at work. Or at least didn't have much hard work.

    I gotta learn again...
  5. View Conversation
    A week or so? HAHAHHAA You're kidding, right?!
    I'll have TWO MONTHS until the next term starts. ^__^
    (But don't you dare thinking I'm gonna enjoy my free time... I still hope I can go to work for at least 6 of these 8 weeks!)
    But you're right. When the next term starts, the first courses will only consist of information about the course. That's pretty boring, but it's okay. ^^
    At least it's better than my exams. I've only written two yet, SIX are yet to come. @..@ I'm gonna write two maths exams, one on Friday, one on Saturday. So I'm pretty busy learning right now. (But I decided to take a break for at least half an hour, as I began learning at 10 am - and now it's 2 pm @_@) Learning sucks. I'm gonna be soo~ happy when I can finally start working....

    The animals are totally EVIL! >_< The cat has already eaten our snacks AND yesterday at night it bit through a cable. -_- Sometime I wish that damn cat would at least get a shock, but she does that EVERY TIME we're at my sister's place. (We already took care of the cat last year in June. :>)

    Oh, btw. I got my essay back. It's only a 3.0 (a C in America, I suppose). -.- I'm pretty pissed, but that's okay. All the students in my course sucked in this course. Has to be the teacher. Until next week I can hand in a second draft of the summary I wrote as first assignment. I'm still curious if I'll really do that. I feel I don't have time to rewrite it. :/ I think I'm gonna do that on Saturday afternoon.... if I feel like doing it after my maths exam XD"

    How was the movie shooting? :> Were you nervous when you stood in front of the camera? And what was the movie about? :>

    What's that about the tax returns?! I'm not working, I really have no idea what you're talking about. But 5 million dollars are a LOT OF money, at least THAT I know @..@

    Losing weight... that's my aim as well. Think I'm gonna do some sports after my exams. Also I wanted to clean my room - THOROUGHLY. Haven't done that in years now. *shudders*

    Now I definitely talked TOO much. I'm always surprised how much I can tell when I don't want to learn. XD
  6. View Conversation
    *looks at the date* Oh gosh. Again. I always answer so f-ing late. X.x
    But I have to learn quite much now, as I have my first two end-of-term-exams tomorrow. And I'm not quite sure if I already learned enough for my maths exams. X_X

    Besides, I'm at my sister's place at the moment. I have to take care of her dog and cat, while she's at the place of her husband's mother. That's great, actually, as I have my own house and there are no parents to go on my nerves. :> And I have a shorter way to the uni... yay!

    And yay, the new rules are out there to read! I'll read them for sure in the next few minutes. I hope some of my questions will be answered there...

    We still have quite much snow over here. -.- Gosh it's so COLD and WHITE. I'd like to have snow on christmas only. (We even had white christmas last year <3)

    I didn't go anywhere. I stayed at home to learn. I've done that quite a lot in the past few weeks. ^^""

    How was the play? :>
    And what did you do during the week I didn't write to you?
  7. View Conversation
    Well, that's just plain weird then.
  8. View Conversation
    curse you, rJ flow
  9. View Conversation
    You forgot to give some dap to the Packers' punter who did a very good job today.
  10. View Conversation
    Well,as you know from doing it twice now if you wanted to work at Yellowstone this year.... now is the prime time to apply.

    You know I may suggest Yellowstone to my brother. It would be good for him, and he would have a nice chunk of money provided he didnt drink it all away.

    You know... I dont remember when now.. but I applied to work at Yellowstone within the last 2 years... and they denied me. Yeah, I thought it was weird... I guess I did not leave my room clean when I left or something. I would have to ask James about it. I got an email and a letter saying that I was not eligable that year, but that if I wanted to I could always apply for another season at another time.

    Heh, if I wasnt working for Autozone I might consider it too. Would probably be the only way we'd ever see each other again. Though if that WERE to happen. I think it would be better to play it safe for our sanity and NOT room together, eh? haha...

    Baruch and Melissa moving to Colorado maybe? Wow. I mean I dont know the story behind it... but for some reason I always imagined you all staying there in Albany forever lol. Did Joel and Alicia adopt finally?

    And about your junkfood and Soda intake... yeah I need to also man. I let myself go. I feel really unhealthy now. I dont know how much I weigh because I havent been on a scale in awhile but ugh. And I worry I passed the point of no return.. or whatever that means.

    I play Street Fighter again. Though I dont use a stick anymore. I need to buy one but dont want to spring for another one. I have a rather healthy win streak against people online as Blanka though.
  11. View Conversation
    Eh, yeah. I heard whos there. There is no chance I would ever come there now. Not to mention she's now with the man that she claims to have not cheated on me with while we were married.

    Haven't the head people at NAMS liked you for awhile? You've always been a good worker for them for YEARS, but they've always seemed to overlook you for a permanent position. Horse-poop imo.

    And Yellowstone again? lol... You've sworn that off TWICE now I swear. But if you did you would get to be an RC maybe! Oh joyous occasion! Maybe even of Laurel Dorm, eh!? Dream come true for you im sure Haha... I jest. That would be terrible.

    There seems to be more work outside of Oregon for sure. Its just getting out of there thats the hard thing. And being okay with having no idea where you are. I've done that enough now that im used to it. Matter of fact the last two places i've lived (Louisiana and Virginia) I just now saw where they were on the map in relation to the rest of the states. Im amazed im within 2 hours of Washington DC. Kinda cool I want to visit there.

    So, are things still basically the same with everyone there? Other than more people getting married, I hear Scott is. (Yeah ive totally been keeping tabs on how things are goin) Well on who I can anyway.
  12. View Conversation
    I do vaguely remember going to apply at Aaron's with you. They wouldnt give me the time of day there in Albany. lol...

    I really did well at that job in Lake Charles though. Im quite the collector I found out. I actually talked to the management at the Aaron's in the Oregon area a few months back because I was eligable for a transfer with my promotion. They were certainly more interested in me then. Though. I doubt I will ever find my way back to Oregon. I have always been the black sheep in the group of friends.

    Tell Mike though that he was right about something bad happening though. lol... I met a girl and she moved from Canada to be with me. And shes pregnant. Though we're not entirely sure its mine. And I also dont want to be with her anymore but cant break it to her. Messy messy situation. I get myself into a lot of those, lol...

    But yeah. I am doing well. I cant believe how much of the US ive seen in the past year just moving around. Hopefully its ended though. Im getting old...almost

    So how has everything else been with you? Did you move out of Joel and Alicia's? Got a girlfriend yet, or are we doomed still to drink as haggard old men at the Linger Longer?

    I would welcome the idea of that... lol. So tired of women and drama.

    Anyway.. babbling. Message me back broseph.
  13. View Conversation
    Well, its not a very long nor interesting story about how I got here.

    I moved to Louisiana, and things were great. Not at first I didnt have a job for the first week I was there, and no money really. So I survived.

    Got a job really fast though working at Aaron's as a Manager Trainee. My job was basically making calls to people who did not pay their bill. And if I couldnt get a hold of them I went to their house, and either got the money, or in some occasions, took their merchandise. Worked there for about 11 months or so. Got promoted to Sales Manager just before everything happened.

    My cousin's wife actually died. I would say how, but im not exactly sure how private this message is. It was a suicide is all ill say. He was left with 4 kids and no idea what to do. So Jeff, my cousin Melissa, and I all moved out here to Virginia and are helping him take care of things.

    Im actually working as a driver now myself for Autozone. Its the warehouse store of the area so I get to take parts to the other store in the region. Washington DC is only a few hours away, and I hear ill get to go there eventually too. Kinda cool.

    Yeah, I actually posted on here again knowing that you would see it and message me. Kinda clever....
  14. View Conversation
    Hah, that's a basic problem I've never had in my life so far. When I'm in the staff on a site, I read EVERYTHING. It's just that I don't want to miss something and I want to CHANGE something. (Why should I be in the staff if not to change something on that site? Like, make it a better place to stay at :>)
    I sincerely hope the new rules will forbid those "TFF was soo~ supercool when trolling was allowed!"-threads. They're annoying me.
    And I think you're cool. xP

    When I was younger I didn't pray when good things were happening to me. I think I don't do it now either. But sometimes I wisper a small "thanks" up to the sky. Maybe that can be counted as praying.

    After telling you that I hate rain and want warm weather and sunshine and stuff.... it started snowing this morning o_o" There is actually quite much snow outside my window now. How annoying! -o- And it's F-ING cold outside...

    Learning... haha ._." I wanted to learn today, I even skipped school to do that. But I ended up doing three exercises and then... I suddenly stopped doing ANYTHING AT ALL! I searched for some books about maths which are relevant for an exam (that I am horribly afraid of..), but I didn't learn anything more. These days, I really hate myself for being so lazy. I've the feeling I don't do anything at all all day long... :/
    Hope you're not as lazy as I am...
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    Two months? Okay, then I won't write in that thread. And good to know that there'll be rules. Hopefully I'll find them when they're on. ^^"

    Hehe, thank you very much. <3 Still, if I can do you a favor - anything I can possibly do - then tell me. ^^

    Hm, strange. I wasn't at my computer, though. But maybe I just wanted to come here when it didn't work. :/ Strange, but okay. I'm glad you read my mail, although you wrote that you don't read your mails regularly ^^"

    Well, actually, IF ghosts and haunted places existed, I'd believe in God as well. Just because then I'd know for sure that He HAS TO exist. And praying is comforting me most of the time, as well. Though I haven't done it in the past few years. There was nothing to pray for, actually. I had a great time, I think... ^^

    I haven't been outside much since it started raining again. -.- (Which was only yesterday, but who cares? ^^") I'd really like it to be summer again. Then it wouldn't be dark at 5 pm AND I could go outside a lot. I don't like the weather in winter. It's way too cold for me. I'm some kind of "sun-child". I love lying outside in the sun when it's really hot. <3
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"TFF Confessions," lol

by Taco-Calamitous on 07-03-2018 at 01:40 PM
Remember those times I would start a thread, titled something like "TFF Confessions," or "TFF Regrets," or something along those lines? Like, I would decide I wanted to come clean about something, and then, for whatever reason, I thought that other people on the forums would also want to do this. Except usually, people would just respond with nonsense, making fun of the concept, because y'all are trolls, lol Was reminded of those earlier, for some reason. I guess because a

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Top Ten Albums of 2017 (According to Me)

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-28-2017 at 01:31 AM
So 2017 was kinda a rough year for most people not named Taylor Swift, eh? (Jeez, Taylor. Way to have a good time. That’s not allowed, or something.) American politics are shit, everyone hates each other, and people seem barely capable of not hitting each other over the heads with bike locks, or ramming their cars into each other.

Personally, I drifted further into burnt out/not-giving-a-fuck territory this year, even though this is arguably the easiest year I’ve lived, this decade.

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Top 10 Albums, 2015

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-18-2015 at 03:07 PM
Hello, everyone! Guess what? I come here today to present you a list that is indisputably the best albums of 2015, according to me. No one can deny that these are the best ten albums this year, according to myself. If you think that I don't think that these are the top ten best albums this year, I think that you are probably wrong, and should rethink what you are thinking about that. So without further ado...

10. The Bombadils - Grassy Roads, Wandering Feet
So from the Great

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This New Year's Eve

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-31-2013 at 02:02 PM
I'm waiting for tomorrow
My heart is on my sleeve
And yes, I still believe
That this New Year's Eve
Will turn out better than before
I'm holding on
Still holding on
Until they close the door on me

-Five Iron Frenzy - New Year's Eve

It's becoming something of a tradition for me to listen to that song on this day every year now, and to post it around. It's a great song, and it seems to always capture my feelings of this

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Top 10 Songs of 2013, Second Half

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-01-2013 at 01:10 PM
I think it's about time to look at what songs I liked best from this second half of the year, as I did for the first half of 2013. I realize the year isn't over, but I don't think I'm gonna be getting any new music this month. There's nothing at this point that I'm looking forward to. So...

10. The Universe: A Very Special Moment. This band is related to Architecture in Helsinki somehow. I'm not sure how. This song is pretty cool though I think. I think it lives up to the band's name;

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