Hope you enjoyed the holidays. I had to take care of some financial problems so I haven't been around lately. Now I have to get my license un-suspended, so... yeah.
In that case, I shall attempt to log on frequently. I usually only get on my computer for either homework/directions/youtube/email. Now I check this about every day too. lol (disclaimer) I will often stay up all night watching youtube videos and forget to get some sleep for work. >.>
haha nice, I added you successfully! We shall have to talk sometime as soon as I see you online
You can tell I don't do this very often anymore. >.> Not since High School actually. lol The full thing is [email protected] I also looked up yours, so I don't know if it works that way or not. Ok, and I'm off to buy cookie baking ingredients for my work Christmas party.
I think I need your @stuff too, because I tried to find you but I couldn't. Try adding me! [email protected]
I DL'ed MSN. The name is Bane_Soulreaver.
I finished my last final on Tuesday night. It took three hours, and when I went to stand up, I fell over because I lost circulation in my left leg and never realized it. >.> Other than that, I think I did pretty well on them all. I haven't actually used a chat service in a long time. I basicaly had a few friends who lived in the same building so there was no need. I could probably download it though, or at least register, I think it came pre-downloaded. It's good that you like your job at least. I'm enjoying mine as well. It took a couple months, but I got in a groove at work and now pranks are being pulled left and right. Haha, unfortunately, most are on me. >.> But I'm quick to retaliate! I have to work Christmas Eve as well. I only get maybe 5 days off a year and those are hollidays, assuming they don't fall on a weekend that is. Oh, some extra income would be nice too. It's hard to go house hunting when you are poor i'm discovering rather quickly. I always wondered how people actually get INTO those tournaments. I think that's pretty awesome. I'd likely never join one though. I'm more of a casual gamer in the sense of competitiveness/skill level. Do you get recognition awards along with the financial? Like, names on a list of top players, etc? I'm glad your friend is safe. As for me, I wanted more action from my deployment. There has been a long history war/military service in my family. My father served in Vietnam and Desert Storm. My brother served in the second Iraq War when it first started and I served in it as well. What I miss about it the most... is the friendships that I've made. I can say without a doubt that I will never know a better group of people in all my life then my small group I served with. They became more family to me than my "actual" family, and I still feel that way today. I also miss the sense of pride of belonging to something great (and the fact that I "WAS" in great shape then lol!). A part of me regrets my decision to move on and start over. Life in the outside, feels pretty hollow and empty lately. (it's not as depressing as it sounds, i'm just having a harder time than I imagined re-adjusting to life out of the military). That's why i'm trying this for one lol, it's high time I start throwing my voice into the mix. As for signatures, I've seen several with pictures and sayings that are, for lack of a better word, all fanciful. Basicaly i'm tired of being plain. I'm still looking around for a good image that will fit with some of the quotes I like. Oh, and don't let me ramble on. <.< If no one stops me.... i'll just keep on writing random nonsense till my fingers bleed. >.> Ok, I've got to figure out how to register online for next semester's classes and get the finances taken care of. Enjoy your evening!
Hello again! How are finals going for ya? I just got done with them myself today haha. Anyways, just checking up on you! Outside of TFF, we have a lot of group chats going on MSN, so if you have that then hit me up with your contact info and we can chat If not, you should download it! Or you don't have to either, its cool either way. It's a good way to meet a lot of different tffers though. As for my job, I love it (except I found out that I have to work on Christmas Eve oh well). I've been there for three years now and I love every minute of it. I'm pretty excited to come back home and work haha, and a lot of my close friends I've met through there as well. And yeah it is challenging at times (especially with a few 8-10 year old boys that have ADHD, Autism, and Opressive Defiant Disorder) but I feel good about what I do, so I can't complain. (except for getting more money but hey don't we all deserve that? haha) Yeah my friend Brodie can't wait to get back. I talked to him on skype recently, he's in a safe spot, mostly in base repairing equipment and stuff, which he doesn't mind because he's "not a big fan of getting shot at", and that he can't wait to get back stateside so we can play Halo again. (we used to team together and win local halo tournaments, so I can't wait for him to get back too so we can make some more money ) You miss being in the military you say? What parts of it do you like? I am curious. And yeah, I know a few things about signatures! I can totally help you out with that. I'm not artistic with making signature banners or anything like that but I can point you in the direction of some people who are. But otherwise yeah I can help you with all the other little stuff too, if you want. Have a good rest of the week and I hope finals are treating you well!
Well thank you. I've got finals this week, so things will be stressfull unfortunately. I decided to go into criminal justice because it is similar to the USMC. I'll get to do something I love, and help people at the same time. (That, and I can't stand people who don't use turn signals. >.> They are not going to like me at all when I become a cop. <.< ) Personally, I could use a few good friends. Lol, all of mine are now scattered about the country and a few outside of it. Made it a bit lonely to come back to the mid-west. Good luck with your degree by the way. Business has never been my stong suit. How do you like your work? My step-mum was a special education teacher and is officially retiring as of tomorrow. I've helped out on occasion and know it can be rather challenging. Personally, I have a dificult time dealing with... well, children. There is a certain age group that I just try to avoid at all costs. >.> (typically preteens and young teens) I refer to it as my social stigmatism. lol My best wishes to your friend. I've not had the pleasure of going to Afghanistan myself, just to Iraq. Was in Ramadi for 7 months. Needless to say, that neither is better or worse than the other, still the sentiment remains. (And in all honesty, I really miss the military. I was close to going back in until I found my current job) I appreciate any and all help with the forum. Usually, I end up reading more than typing. I do have one question though, and it's more of a technical one as opposed to regulations/subject matter. All of the "coding" is Greek to me. Basicaly, I'd like to spruce up my signature and maybe add some unique things to posts but have yet to learn how. (Did I mention I'm technologicaly impaired?? <.< And this coming from someone in Intel. >.> ) Is this something you are familiar with? Ok, I've ranted long enough. My notes won't study themselves so I must take my leave. Have a good week! (hopefully i'll be free by mid week from school!)
haha I was going to send you a VM earlier but you beat me to the punch! Welcome to TFF Steve My name is Rocky and I will be your TFF adopter. The whole TFF adoption thing was put into place for a few reasons; one of them being a way for newcomers to learn basic forum norms, like using punctuation and typing properly but I see that you're good to go with that, so cheers! (thats my least favorite part is getting on adoptees for noobish stuff like that lol) Another big reason the adoption program exists is so that new TFFers have someone to go to in case they have questions about the website, so if you ever have any questions about anything then feel free to ask me whenever, if I can't figure it out I will find someone that can, haha. The third and most important reason for the program is for newbies to get to know and make friends with a bunch of different people. Even though we've been around for awhile and have plenty of members, tff is very close-knit and to be honest, if I didn't have awesome friends here, then I would of left a long time ago. so welcome! haha yeah I can see you do have a busy schedule, I was like that last year as well. I work full-time with special needs children and I'm also going to school full time to get my batchelor's degree in Business Administration. What made you go into Criminal Justice? And I see that you are in the military, I have respect for you to be able to do that. A close friend of mine is stationed in Kabul at the moment but he will be on vacation near the end of January so I can't wait to hang out with him again. Josh_R on the forums here is also in the Marines, and he's always cool to talk to as well so if you want someone else to talk to, send him a VM. If you have any questions, let me know! Enjoy
Hey man, what's going on? I'm new to all this, but figured I'd give it a shot with the whole "adoption" thing. A quick note, I work as a machine operator and go to school full time for criminal justice... So I will likely be more active on the weekends. All that aside, just wanted to say hey.