Conversation Between seanb and FeyLenne13

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. You too, wish you all the best
  2. Happy New Year!
  3. A movie writer and director. Some movies he's done: Signs, The Sixth Sense, The Village, The Happening, The Last Airbender (not a horror movie but an awesome one!), Lady in the Water. I can't remember any more at the moment. Awesome movies. I love his work because it finds that fine line between just enough scary and freaky while twisting you about until you never see the ending coming.
  4. I've never heard of him... what's he like? is he a writer?
  5. Do you like M. Night Shaymolan's work? sorry I probably butchered his last name
  6. I haven't seen the ring. I've seen all three Grudge movies. Are the Hanniable films based on a true story? I think that makes those kinds of movies even scarier. Thirteen Ghosts is another great scary movie that freaks me out no matter how many times I watch them.
  7. Oh... I remember watching the grudge before..... my god... that is intense! how can you like it, it's crazy
    havent seen ghost ship or when a stranger calls yet.... do you like the ring?
  8. Thanks I will look into those I typically stay to movies like Ghost Ship, The Grudge, When A Stranger Calls, stuff like that. It will be nice to have something new to watch.
  9. Most definitely I loved them. Silence of the lambs was the first one made and it's a real classic with a cult following, incredible film. I would say not to read any plots or reviews before you watch it because it may spoil it. they made other films then after silence of the lambs (sequel and 2 prequels) which are good, but nothing compared to silence imo. they are all based on novels by Thomas Harris, I would recommend those aswell, great writer.
  10. I love that genre but i haven't seen any hannibal films. Do you recommend them?
  11. Aw that's too bad,
    jeez that sounds hot, it be's hot here sometimes now that its summer but most days it's calm and cloudy which is much better because I hate it when it very hot...
    lol its mad isn't it, I made it years ago haha then found it recently and decided to use it!
    I like the hannibal films a lot
  12. They changed the hours at the library and the temps shot up so I haven't been able to get to the computers for a while. I'm happy it's not above 100F here anymore. That heat was killer! Lol where did you get your profile pic? It's interesting.
  13. not so bad.. busy enough
    havent seen you about this site in a while!
  14. Pretty good, how about you?
  15. hey. how have you been?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 24
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