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    Only within their own domains. In the domain of science, obviously science has more scientific support than religion. In religion, religious beliefs lend more credibility to religion than science. That however makes both sides guilty of circular reasoning, which means neither side can 'prove' their beliefs. Not to the other side, not even to themselves.
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    That's the thing, we only know it based on the other things we know. That's where we get back into my whole infinite regression argument, which leads back to faith. We only know things in terms of the things we believe without knowing. Those beliefs are our world, but our version of the world is no more provable than anyone else's. As long as somebody's beliefs aren't completely self contraditory within their own beliefs, they can be every bit as logical as our science in spite of lack of empirical data. In our world of empirical data and the scientific method, there is no place for the divine when answering the big questions, but in another's world of divine creation, there is no place for empirical data when answering, because the answer lies in the realm of the divine where empirical data can't reach. Our webs of beliefs are parallel to theirs, once we enter their domain to argue, we give up antyhing from ours, and lose the ability to pose an argument, just as they do when they try to argue in our web of beliefs. If we don't agree on the fundamentals, we can never logically establish the same conclusions, and the fundamentals are accepted by both sides based only on faith. Logic can't touch them, so neither can be defeated and ruled out by it. Until the day we know the origin of the universe as an absolute, we can never answer the question with certainty. We accept science, because we believe it's the only way to reach that answer, they accept the divine for the same reason.
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    I didn't say that in the slightest. Actually.

    What I can see in that thread, from your relentless challenges, is it going off topic. The relentless part and it going off topic as a result is the arrogance I'm speaking of. It's not needed.

    Please don't take offence because of me doing my job. I can assure you that it's nothing personal.
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    Most things are deep if you want to find any real, satisfying answer. Religious arguments are almost always caught trying to get away with circular reasoning, but if you think about it, science does too. To pose a scientific argument, you have to accept that science is reliable, and the scientific method right without absolute certainty of it. It makes sense to us, because it gets us the answers we like, but to the religious, so does religion. It may not make much sense to us, but our views make just as little sense to them.
  5. View Conversation
    Was that sarcasm, or do you actually get where I'm coming from now? XD
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    I look forward to it. Arguing is a hobby of mine, even when I don't really care one way or the other about the conclusion XD
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    I didn't utter the words or advise illegal downloading. Utorrent itself is completely legal, it's just some of the files that can be downloaded that are illegal.

    Thanks for the heads up though, I've experienced unfairness before on this forum, i'm expecting plenty more
  8. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday!
  9. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday sir. I dub ye 21.
  10. View Conversation
    The left-wing conservative types don't bother me much. I don't take anything seriously anyway. The fact that they take things so seriously just makes it that much more fun to blatantly mock and patronize them.
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    I joined the other forum, but I haven't had time to do anything there yet. I've been busy at work.
  12. View Conversation
    Man, now I'm stuck here by myself with all these kiss asses that annoy the shit out of me. I need you. You're the sanity and logic around these parts.
  13. View Conversation
    Ah bioshock is a good game that I unfortunately have yet to play It was either that or Mass Effect at the time, and I chose ME. I LOVED the Mass Effect series so far though, cant wait for the third one!

    I occasionally lurk there, not as much as when I first got introduced (like in early 07 or so) but I do like certain boards, interesting reads on there when you can sift through the BS and trolling. I like reading stuff from different people's outlooks on life.

    yeah idk either! must be a region thing. stupid Earth.

    as for me? not too much! just been applying to different jobs, trying to find something new really. been playing a lot of League of Legends as well, trying to get better at it and stuff. playing with a group of friends makes any multiplayer game fun!!

    how about yourself? keeping that girlfriend of yours busy?? EDIT: oh noes you took them down
  14. View Conversation
    Ownership doesn't always mean you can do anything with it. Some things come with agreements even if you don't read them that you can't mess with it. And if it not, distributing something is far more dangerous than just messing with something and keeping it to yourself.

    And being active members or not doesn't give them special privileges that one stop members don't have. Every member is an equal in the rules.

    I can't very well see changing game assets as being too big of an issue. But in the end if you just carry your business out off site then you don't really need to be asking us. Our rules only cover what you're do here. If you're not making a thread to make it available or PMing, then we are not going to stop you from doing what you're doing. There is email.
  15. View Conversation
    Well Rowan, it's a group for beta-testing a fangame that has been in the works for about 5 years now. Incidentally there isn't a lot of gameplay which means there wasn't a lot of beta testing.

    The beta testing period ended some time ago and a demo version was released. So the group is just sticking around until there needs to be a new beta testing session.
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