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    Yeah, I went and looked into it. Came from a press release by SE themselves. So it's real and real strange. People are going to hang on the multi-series part, but I'm more curious about their unique experience in each part. That could mean a lot of different things. Never seen a RPG made episodic. But it is admittedly a big game, this might be their way of getting new fans that have shorter attention spans on games that like the 10 hours, not the 60 hour games in and willing to buy in. Could be a good thing. Doesn't make it any less weird though.
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    Oh nice. I should have stuck with the creatine when I was working out hardcore. Now I just have zero carb protein powder

    Right now, I'm in a weird phase where I'm well aware of the fact that I'm doing things ass backwards. I'm trying to cut weight and gain strength at the same time. I started going to the gym or just lifting at my house with regularity again, and it's already showing some results. I really started about 3 weeks ago and have lost 10lbs/ 4.5 kg. Looking to lose another 25- 30lb/ 11-13kg. At this point, I can lose weight solely by lifting and watching calories. At some point, I'll add more cardio. I have a fitbit and usually get 10k steps while at work.

    My body type is pretty much one where you get exactly what you put into it. If I eat garbage and sit on my ass all day, I'll get fat. If I lift and eat well, I get toned.

    The biggest thing to watch out with while on creatine is water intake. Drink lots of it, and if you're already drinking a lot, drink more. It can ruin your kidneys if you're not drinking at least 4 liters of water a day. Also, I'm not sure if it's available in Australia, but look up Monster Milk, by the people who make Muscle Milk. That was an all in one, with tons of protein and creatine. It was also delicious
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    I did, but I was never really at a point where I should have. My diet was poor and/or my workout habits were few and far between when I'd use them. I tried to use them as a motivation or impetus to getting off my ass, when mild depression kept me lazy.

    At one point I was big on creatine, and saw decent gains, but at that time, I was working in a warehouse and was getting paid to work out by moving boxes for hours at a time.

    Tl;dr yes but I never gave myself the consistency to notice a difference. I don't remember them being much different than a low carb monster or much else than an energy jolt. I do remember neon yelow piss though
  4. View Conversation
    Lmfao... Jesus Rowan... You csn't win here buddy. Civ3 is where I dominate most. I hate 3 because it's pathetically easy.
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    I keep everything in check, Row.. lol

    But without a bigger military than [insert current powerhouse] those cities will exist or be under [his] command.
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    It's interesting that I've seen it be most effective thousands of times going back to the NES.
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    Hold up bruh! Let me give you horseback riding so I can watch your cavalry dart in and out of the fog of war around my cities every turn.

    Lmfao! I don't discredit the diplomatic strategy, but I would LOVE to play you some time!
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    Militaristic Stratagim 101, Greenhorn.

    From the moment the game begins, my first settler upacks where he stands. I don't care what's around, I'll have your city soon, so it'll irrelevant in the grand scheme.

    Now I begin pumping out military units non-stop and.exploring while protecting my cities.

    While you are being muscled by Russia for gold with threat of war every turn, and being aggressively 'asked' by Germany to assist in keeping England out of their cities, I've already begun building my other cities in a tight defensive formation (Alexander the Great!) to create a near impenetrable network of heavily fortified Cities no more than 3-5 tiles apart. 7 at most given resources or terrain.

    By now, since I've obsessively, I double every standing army on the map. beause if you can't launch 2 successful campaigns simultaniously to dispose of two nations at once, your army is too weak.

    Now I attack Germany, because I know England is already putting pressure on, and you've got problems with Russia.

    But you're allies with Germany. So you get involved. Now I focus on you while Germany is already battered, keeping JUST enough pressure on Germany ro, combined with English efforts, keep them held.down and.unable to properly support you while I reduce you to ashes.

    You see any veteran Warlord knows its hard to attack someone when ghey've been attacking you steadily since you made contact...

    Seek and destory. It's about pace, structure, timing, constant pressure.
  9. View Conversation
    Impossibru, I keep my cookies under lock and key... With guard dogs... And a really vicious gerbil.
  10. View Conversation
    We should teach a class that should be mandatory for society.
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    Yeah that happened this morning when I was leaving for work. So I hadn't gotten the chance at the time to post for it. I'll be posting shortly articles for today's news.
  12. View Conversation
    Done deal. My inbox was heavily restricted after my mod status was removed. Didn't realize it was full.
  13. View Conversation
    Not really sure, some of the ones I looked at are for vB5 - I've gotta find one compatible with 4.2 first.
  14. View Conversation
    Unless that's not fiscal Q4, then it is coming out 2016, which is when fiscal Q4 begins. It's Jan-Mar.
  15. View Conversation
    Yeah its great, the tension just keeps escalating, and westerns aren't for everybody. I love the O'Irish accent in it, Michael Gambon does it great, most Oirish accents make me cringe. The only movies/shows to do it right that i can recall are open range and dead wood.
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