Conversation Between Ralz and Raider

13 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh well, no one said it would be easy... or enjoyable...
  2. i know how you feel, like our science blocks and tech area are miles apart, yet they always put them consectizley garghh :L
  3. I hate when classes are buildings apart! Like, I have five mintues to get out of one building, and get to another, which is like miles away practically... And my locker is always inconveniently on the OTHER side of the whole school! URGH!
  4. i just hate all the coursework and homework :/
  5. School is... "Bleh..." for me. Never liked it, never will.
  6. ahah it should, i dont really mind school tbh
  7. Well, I hope things go well for you.
  8. Yeh true, i havent gone back to school yet, goin back monday
  9. Yeah, but we didn't interact too much, anyway, things are okay over here, just another day tomorrow, but the last day of school for the week, so I'll be looking forward to that.
  10. we've met before in word games nice to meet you too, how are things?
  11. Well, guess this also counts as a first meeting. Hello, nice to meet you!
  12. well tbf you are awesome, and i am too so i dont know why this hasnt happend yet x)
  13. Hey, Raider, good to see we can be friends!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13