LOL It's okay, you weren't stalker-ish. Hmm, I moved to a nicer neighborhood. My old one was getting pretty bad, upgrade! Oh yeaaah. Sorry for the late reply once again! It's hard to get to the computer when my sister uses it to work at home from xD Alright, well I'll see ya around!^^
haha its ok! I probably came off like a stalker, lol. But yeah I'm alright, just keeping it real at home since I have to be at work early tomorrow. And you had a move eh? How did that go over, was it like a small move or a big one?
Hey there! Did I every reply back to your message? Sorry about that! I was in the middle of moving & forget all about you lol. jk Well, I'm doing pretty great. How about you?
I don't know you and you don't know me, but let's not let that stop us from getting to know one another lol. Welcome back, and how do you do?