Conversation Between Psiko and Rikkuffx

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Do you still want me to send you an invite for wow so we can play together?hehe
  2. i forgot to mention i'm going to have to shovel too
  3. Thank you I do too.
  4. Yeah, I hear you there on that, lol! Winter weather is absolute madness at times!

    I do hope you get to feeling better!!!
  5. thats what it was like last week for us,christmas eve it was raining lol and all the 18+ inches we got the week before was gone now we are getting it again but thats the way it usually works lol
  6. Eww, that is nasty. I've been quite pleased that most of the snow we had here has been melting this past week. The sun has been out and shining, and the temps have been unusually warm lately. It has been nice until it refreezes at night.
  7. well its already snowing we are supposed to get 7 inches
  8. I am so sorry to hear that you are ill! Stay warm and hopefully the storm passes without making it to where you are!!!

    I will do my best to have a good new year as well. I think that we will remain good friends, Beka.
  9. Well seeing as i'm sick and i have the day off i'll prob just be resting and my best friend may be coming over,plus we are having another snowstorm lol but thanks and have a good new year and i'm sorry about everything still perhaps the new year will make our friendship stronger.
  10. In case I do not see of hear from you until after the fact, enjoy celebrating the new year tonight! ^^


    Bwa ha ha ha ha! ^^
  12. Happy Thanksgiving!
  13. I changed my mind about Aeria,you have to purhcase Aeria Points to be able to buy anything for your character in game,so its technically not free.
  14. I think I may try out that game,maybe someday i'll try to get xi up,blahh i'm jsut getting stressed over it lately *hugs* talk to you soon hunnie
  15. You signed off msn when I imed you
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15