I'm gonna raaaaaape you.
I love you. One day you'll see all these/admit to seeing all these ^^;
"You have given out too much rep in the last 24 hours, please try again later." I have nothing better to do than spam your page. =D
Rararar, came here to give you more rep, but your page is glitchy and I can't access your posts. ^^' <3
Love you =O Lulz. There is NO point in this. XD. You have random people visiting your page, though. But apparently none of them are your friends ;_;. Just me. Raaaaaaar. I'm so bloody bored. This is one of the few sites not blocked by the school. :x I suck at entertaining myself.
Hi sexy =0. ..Not a suprise that I'm the first person to even visit this page. :x But I didn't say that.
Arachnie Suicide
Amor fati.