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    Haven't been here in quite a while. I'm actually quite surprised I'm still a member. Anyways, just thought I'd drop a line to an old friend.
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    Whats up boss, haven't got to talk to you to much since you got back.
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    Oh... that sounds... pleasant... XD. I'm very sorry >_< I hope everything's fine now. But it's good to know you're still Omega .

    And yeah, I think so... I kind of drift in and out of activity. Depending on how busy I am really. Atm I'm struggling to find something to do, so I seem to be finding myself lurking through here a lot... XD.
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    Woooooooow, Omega! You're back, too! =D

    I've been okay, busy busy busy. And yourself? Where have you been? =D
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    Woah. I haven't listened to them in ages dude. The beginning of the new song kinda reminds me of Corpse Bride. Haha. Interesting soundscape though. Its been forever since they released an album too.
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    Holy shit. That album cover is badass! It looks insane. Is their new album based on war or something?
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    Ya he has cooled down quite a bit, I mean today's Megadeth is much less ragey than when they started. But the video interview was from the 80's or 90's and it's the most amazing thing ever
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    Woah. Their B-Sides kickass. Both The Departed and I Blame You are my favorites. The Departed's very tribal. It has a Middle Eastern vibe to it. I remember reading Sully did a collaboration with one of the singers from Dead Can Dance on his upcoming solo album. They're a really good band too. I also heard Whiskey Hangover when it came out last year when they were on tour with Motley Crue. Funny thing is I got really hungover this New Years and had to help my friend's dad move into his new house. It took me a while to get out of bed and even the bathroom for that matter, but I remember playing that song for motivation. The only problem is I wasn't okay with my whiskey hangover. Haha. I was throwing up every ten minutes. Felt like crap.
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    Have you seen how Dave Mustaine feels about Kirk Hammet? I think it may have been true
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    Haha. I was gonna ask you if you were still into Godsmack. I bought The Oracle last month. Its a really good album! Love-Hate-Sex-Pain, Devil's Swing, Cryin' Like A Bitch, Saints and Sinners, and What If are my favorites. I haven't heard the bonus tracks though. Have you listened to them yet?
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    The new album's called Asylum, right? It sounds interesting! It gives you a sense of it being a dark record. But I don't know though man. I don't know if I outgrew them or something, but I hope their new album explores new stuff. Its all starting to sound the same to me. When's the release date?
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    Woah. Very deep. Haha. I also didn't know they covered Iron Maiden either. That one's really good too. They even covered Journey! I tried doing my own cover of Journey once.....but that's a different story.
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    I have! A friend of mine told me about them. I really like Through Hell, St. John, and Samhaim. You?
  15. View Conversation
    OMG, I guess I didn't listen too thoroughly to St. John when you first linked me, but after listening to it again, I just keep having it on repeat. xD Four minutes passes by so quickly, and the song is just incredibly well done, isn't it?
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About Omega Weapon

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About Omega Weapon
Music is my life! I am, without any doubt, one of the biggest Godsmack fans to ever walk the earth. Other bands I'm truly in are Megadeth, Metallica, Disturbed, Skid Row (With Bach), and We Are The Fallen.
Lived by the rules you that you gave me and fell apart. All the wrong turns down a dead end street so far. I stretched my wings and breath in different day. Alone and broken is the price I pay but that's ok...
Music. Photoshop. Animals. UFOs. Supernaturals.
Favorite FF?:
Final Fantasy VIII


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