Conversation Between OceanEyes28 and Tiffany

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey lady!!

    How goes things? Music thang is starting to take off eh? <3 So incredibly proud of you!!!
  2. Bwahahahahaha! That Valentine was brilliant! LOVED it.
  3. Happy Valentine's Day

  4. Thanks hun! I had a blast! Nothin' like going to a Mexican restaurant, wearing a big sombrero and getting shaken after doing a huge shot of tequila. Woot!
  5. Happy birthday, pretty lady! Hope it's awesome.
  6. Gah! You GOTTA do that! Omg, I'll cry from laughing so hard!
  7. ....And then photoshop that onto Jessica Alba.
  8. Haha!

    I need Polk to Photoshop me an udder that is either sweating or lookin sexy.
  9. I loved the usage of "utter hotness". As in, Jennifer Aniston (minus the utter hotness of Jessica Alba)
  10. Haha thanks. I'm afraid couldn't contain myself.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10