Conversation Between OceanEyes28 and Cyanist

11 Visitor Messages

  1. No workey? I just checked. It worked fine. Are you sure?
  2. P.S. I don't think your sketch is NSFW. You're good.
  3. The poll has been added. Also, what Merlin said. No workey.
  4. Hey, um. I messed up again. I accidentally threw up the Sketch Contest Voting thread and forgot to add the pole for it. Could you fix that, or is it fine the way it is?
  5. Thank you so much for clearing that up. I really was worried about that.
    That's a great idea! I'll be sure to put it in my signature then.
    What!?! That's extremely generous of you! Thank you so much!
    Oh, I was wondering, do you think I should make a prize for the runner-ups?
  6. Weeeeelllllll.... a bit, yes. And it can be a bit "ugh" to get a generic "mass" VM. But I understand wanting to spread the word. You should definitely put it in your signature, if you haven't already. And if you want more financial backing, I'll throw down 2,000 of my own gil to help out. I'll try to think of more ways of encouraging participation.
  7. Em... Hello again. I've got a bit of a question. I was trying to drum up some competition for my sketch thread by sending VMs and someone posted back saying I was spamming. Is that true? Should I PM them instead, or should quit doing that entirely? I certainly didn't mean to annoy anyone.
  8. I'm done making the thread, so you can sticky it, but I was thinking I'd like to get a financial backer to come up with some more prize money for the winner. I've already offered up 1,000 of my own gil. Do you think that's a good idea?
  9. That's awesome, I'll get right on it!
    Thanks for the speedy reply.
  10. Well sure! Go right ahead. And let me know when you're done, so I can sticky the thread.
  11. Greetings, moderator in charge of the Art sub-forum! I was wondering if I could start an art challenge (sort of like the photo contest, but hand-drawn). If you could get back to me on this, I'd be grateful. Thank you.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11