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  1. View Conversation
    I'm taking it slow lol. I don't want to beat it just yet - I want to enjoy every moment of my first play through.

    Already I've had tears in my eyes, felt the pressure of one situation when I didn't know what to do, and panicked. I'm absolutely petrified of small spaces, and that part with the tunnel and glass freaked me out big time. @_@
  2. View Conversation
    I have in my possession Heavy Rain - the Special Edition! =D

    I'm not going to open it until later though. I should be at college but I'm home looking after my nan and doing work. =(
  3. View Conversation
    Haha, my partner lives on the west coast, and my best friend lives in the mid-west too, so I'm always thinking eight or six hours back. Seriously, during half term last week, I felt as if I'd swapped to their time (I was going to bed at around 4/5am, and waking up after mid-day lol).
  4. View Conversation
    Huh? No, I have lol. The only one in the series that needs to be completed is MSG4.

    You're in America? I have a feeling it's five or six hours... depending on if you're North or South... I think. It's about that.
  5. View Conversation
    Oh mai. xD
    I've got to that bit quite yet. I got to the part just after you defeat Raven in the battle tank. xD

    I love all the references to other games and real life events in MGS. I just love the humour, and the way the game makes you feel involved. Kojima is a genius.

    Haha, noooo. I'm using Heavy Rain as an excuse to spend some alone time in my room. He doesn't live with us any more, and comes around way too often. He came over on Tuesday, he's coming over tonight (well, he said he might), and again on Friday (and he'll stay until 1am because he works night shifts).

    I love him because he's my dad, but my evenings I value very much in the sense I only get to play games to a certain hour because of the volume, and because I enjoy talking to my closest friends who live in America (so sometimes I stay up really late... 5am the other evening x_x).
  6. View Conversation
    Nevermind, I own it too now. =D
    Though it picked an unfortunate day to come out as my preorder of WHite Knight Chronicles also came in and I tend to be RPG biased.
  7. View Conversation
    I've just got to the Shadow Moses part of the game. I was amazed at the likeness. I knew almost immediately where to go, and couldn't resist going off track for a while to see everything. xD

    Next week? Haha, by Sunday. I plan to spend every waking hour playing Heavy Rain from when I get it. My dad is coming over Friday night, and I've already told him he might not see much of me. xD;

    It certainly sounds useful. I might try it out and have a go. =D
  8. View Conversation
    You completed MGS4 in a day? I've not even finished it yet, and I've had it a year! XD
    Well, I didn't want to finish it so quickly so I'm taking my time... and I didn't play it for a long time, so restarted so I'd pick up the story again. =S

    I've never used the instant chat thing on PSN. LBP has a chat thing too, but it's are I get to use it. xD;
  9. View Conversation
    Dude, I hate you.
    Well not you, more the fact you've ALREADY BEATEN Heavy Rain whereas I have to wait til tomorrow to pick up my preordered copy.
  10. View Conversation
    Oh mai. You beat it? I guess there's a lot of replay value when you think about all the different pathways and options and such, so it's no biggie. I so can't wait. It's almost like an ache now. ;-;

    Wooo! That'd be cool, and I think I'd like that. T'is a shame I don't own a headset though. I could probably borrow one from my mum or step dad if they have a spare handy.
  11. View Conversation
    GTA IV, Far Cry 2, LittleBIGPlanet and Soul Calibur.

    I'd say Street Fighter too, but I didn't buy it.
  12. View Conversation
    I like the MGS games on the PS2 as well, but the first was the best. It proved to be more of a challenge for me. Uncharted is awesome too. xD

    I'd like to get Demon Souls, but I'd need to import it. Also, I'd only want to play it if I could play with my friends, and at the moment I seem to be buys games JUST to play with my friends, and then like... we never play them together. I have about four games I bought just to play online, and I never get to with friends. ><

    I never got the chance to play Chrono Cross. I heard it was good though.
  13. View Conversation
    Yeah. I've still got my PS2 copies of the magazine. I might get them out and have a look tomorrow. xD

    I don't have one favourite game. For PSOne, I loved FFVII and Metal Gear Solid. For PS2, I loved Dark Cloud and Shadow of the Colossus. For PS3, I love Oblivion and Fallout 3, and I'm warming to Dragon Age big time. Then for my PSP, I play FFI alot because I don't get tired of it. xD

    How about your favourite game(s)? =O
  14. View Conversation
    Yeah, I used to get them back when they covered PSOne games. I remember that shortly after the PS2 came out (or was a about to) they did a review for Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness, and I was upset because we couldn't afford a PS2 at the time.

    I kept the PSOne magazines, but I have a feeling they got chucked out when I decorated my room. =(
    Would have been nice to go down memory lane... I still have the demo discs though, so not all is lost. ^^
  15. View Conversation
    Haha, a heavy dose of Heavy Rain would seriously cheer me up. No one is going to see me this weekend. I've been longing for this game since I first heard about it shortly after The Casting video came out. xD

    I don't read game news online that much any more. I find it unreliable. I'd rather pay my £6 per month and buy myself Official Playstation Magazine for some humour and good reviews. No spoilers in there - they're a real tease, but it's not a bad thing. xD

    Haha, I've had so many comments on the GIF, and I don't have the heart to change it. It makes me giggle every time I open up my VM page. =D
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About Maciariello

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Date of Birth
January 21, 1986 (39)
About Maciariello
I enjoy talking with others about anything and (almost) everything. I don't enjoy people who are rude or inconsiderate while hiding behind the internet. I'll be your friend so long as you're not a troll ^_^
Cincinnati, OH
Indulging in the virtual worlds of Final Fantasy and other RPGs. Playing videogames in general. A good story is always welcome in my book, and RPGs usually provide an adventure. I've been a Sony fanboy since 1997 and intend on staying that way.
Favorite FF?:
I can't pick one because they're all special in their own way.
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Frank Jaeger - "A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal."


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