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    Yup sounds like my nerdy self ahahah!!! It's not so bad now but once I get a PSP...uh oh!
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    I love Lost, but all my theories are wrong

    It's impossible to theorise about it when everything just comes way out of left field. And there are so many things I don't understand, that it's hard to get on top. I would appreciate answers to at least a few of my questions before they gave me some more questions...

    OK, so first thing's first. What the F*UCK is up with the polar bear? I don't think you've seen anymore episodes than I (though we get them very late; I think the new season will start in June for me).
  3. View Conversation
    Hey I know we disagree, but I never meant my 'anti-American' comments to be offensive, whether or not you saw them that way. But any fan of Lost is a friend of mine.
  4. View Conversation
  5. LOL Maybe...I'm not sure what I'm doing this weekend man...LOL
  6. View Conversation
    To tell you the truth I was curious about that for some time, personally I don't think it's anything serious but still you can get a warning. And also there is no need for double or in your case for triple post, if you need to add something you can always edit your old one.
  7. View Conversation
    No problem, just don't double post anymore. I suggest that you read the rules and if you have any questions fell free to ask.
  8. View Conversation
    Dude don't do double post it's against forum rules, the only problem is that you did triple post, anyway this is only friendly advice no offense.
  9. View Conversation
    What the heck!?! Did you just callf freya a: Rat Lady?!? What's wrong with her? Huh?!?
  10. View Conversation
    Hey welcome to the TFF!
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About Locke4God

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About Locke4God
Didn't care much about life until I got to live on my own. Going to school at UF was a blast. Great city, GO GATORS!! Then I moved to Orlando, found a lovely and beautiful wife, we adopted 3 kitties, 2 girls from China, and I love my life.
Orlando, FL
My Wife, the NFL, My 401K, playing at Disney, Vacations, Lost, Final Fantasy (of course), Tennis, Golf, great restaurants, and by the way I hate XBOX. Long live Playstation!!!!
Favorite FF?:
7 for overall goodness, then 8 for the junction, 10, and 6 for its depth of characters


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06-14-2012 12:13 PM
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08-17-2012 04:47 AM
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