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  1. View Conversation
    No one's forcing you to know every litle bit about Final Fantasy VII, though considering that you hold Final Fantasy VII in high regards to know esential parts of main story wouldn't be bad either. I'm not trying to change your opinion regarding Final Fantasy VII, my questions were result of my curios nature, and nothing more, though your freakout and two completely diferent responses on same issue were amusing to say the least. You spend your time as you see fit, I'm sure your wife is proud to see her man going from one meaningless disccusion to another, and loosing his cool while he's at it. Don't have a picture to leave a comment, but I'm sure you look lovely, have a great time in Vegas & Chicago, hope the matches end up being interesting, same as the ones I'll be watching, though in my case it's football, nothing fancy as Vegas though I'm bound to have fun in Croatia at Adriatic sea. Either way enjoy.
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    It's not discussed, but it's strongly implied.

    It's due to Sephiroth that Jenova was able to escape, thanks to Jenova cells Sephiroth had control over her, thus she could do his biding. Jenova is able to mimic persons appearance, which is stated in her first encounter with Cetra, Sephiroth went with his own appearance so Cloud may know who's truly behind the curtains, to evoke even more confusion, and anger on Cloud's part. Despite common believe it was actually Jenova who killed Aerith. This is kind of answer I expect from a guy who claims to be familiar with events of Final Fantasy VII, even more since it's a huge, and important part of Final Fantasy VII, one of the few things that were actually rather well explained. I have yet to replay Final Fantasy VII, and it's been couple of years since my first playthrough, keep in mind that I'm far from huge fan of Final Fantasy VII, though even I knew answer to this.

    I for once noticed all of those issues on my first, and only playthrough. It's actually hard to miss flawed, easily exploited, battle system, overpowered limit breaks, again easily exploited due to formentioned battle system , huge amount of bugs, and glitches, rather bad translation, story that in quite a few instances doesn't make sense, so much that even fans themselves can't get their facts straight, obvious resemblance to many aspects of Final Fantasy VI...Now when I think about it, I'm not the only one. As you have probably noticed, there are huge amount of players who don't see appeal in Final Fantasy VII, due to the very same flaws you claim to be barely noticeable.
  3. View Conversation
    I'm glad this amuses you, for a moment there I though you were upset.

    You treat Aerith's resurrection as it was the only outcome of rushed process, how naive, as mentioned in one of my earlier posts it was just a prime example.

    Nothing, not even a theory? It's one of the most discussed matters in Final Fantasy VII's universe, if you look at it, all facts indicate that Sephiroth achieved immortality during the main events of Final Fantasy VII, that would be your category now, though you wouldn't know thing about it, would you. How bout an easier one, how did Jenova manged to escape with her body mutilated, and head chopped of, out of all characters which appearance she took, how, and for what reason?

    I'm sure you played every one of them without an ounce of bias, it just happens that your view on exact same flaws suddenly changes when they appear in your favorite game, no biggie man, I understand that.
  4. View Conversation
    Someone's upset. No need for insults, we're adults, and should behave as such.

    Flaws are good, rushed process, and sloppy traces of such are good as well, as long as it's in your favorite game, though not in others, that's logical...I guess. True, every game, every movie go through last second changes, though in most cases changes are not forced nor do they have huge impact, negative one while I'm at it, on main events of movie, or game if you will, and some, believe it or not, do take care to blend them rather well, which sadly wasn't the case with Final Fantasy VII.

    I'm sure you're quite familiar with events of Final Fantasy VII, not knowing certain issue doesn't mean a thing, does it. While we're at it, there's one particular thing regarding Final Fantasy VII I don't quite understand, help of fellow Final Fantasy VII fan who claims to be familiar with events of Final Fantasy VII would be much appreciated. At which point did Sephiroth obtained immortality, was immortality main cause for poor decisions such as underestimating the same opponent several time, or was it just something developers came with eight years after original events of Final Fantasy VII to feature Sephiroth in Advent Children?
  5. View Conversation
    It's an honor to speak with what seems to be the very first Final Fantasy VII fan who's not familiar with events surrounding Aerith's resurrection.

    Point? I stated a mere facts out of curiosity, it's another thing entirely you're wiling to keep a blind eye on same flaws you've been particularly critical of. As for why, I can only take a guess.
  6. View Conversation
    Aerith's resurrection has nothing to do with final FMV, actually, I'm not quite sure why you're mentioning the final FMV in the first place, as her resurrection was not implied with that sequence, being a Final Fantasy VII fan you should know at what I'm pointing at. As for Kefka being a murderous psychopath, that's partially true, he was actually a brilliant murderous psychopath. Kefka was bloody cunning, despite huge handicap he managed to fool both player, and his kingdom, he achieved both goals even though it may be for a short notice. Sephiroth on the other hand had both right from the start, strength, and intelligence, though I'm not sure about later one as he has yet to prove as brilliant tactician. Considering that he was practically invincible, with Jenova under his control, Cloud as well, though it may be for a short notice, lack of serious opposition he accomplished...well, nothing. When it comes to depth, and personality, Sephiroth is miles ahead of Kefka, but he's still a poor villain, and he still shares huge amount of similarities with Kefka, to much I'm afraid.

    What I'm trying to accomplish? Not much really, out of curiosity, well, more of boredom to be honest, I wanted to see do the same flaws you're eager to point out bother you that much when they're shown in your favorite game, in other words might you overall opinion on Final Fantasy VII change as those flaws clearly bother you in other games, either way I've got my answer. I would also like to thank you for your time, you answered my questions in polite, and honest manner, which I appreciate.
  7. You can do what you want, I don't care, to answer your ending question.

    Actually I don't think the Materia system was the best anyway. I don't care a lick about sequels or their relevance to the initial story, nor do i care about their execution. Any of the points you made in that regard are meaningless to me. Aerith's death and hinted resurrection in the final FMV was more powerful than anything else they were dreaming up anyway, so BRAVO to them on not doing anything else with that, and if Sepheroth was much like Kefka, he was an improvement, and mind you I like Kefka. He was just a murderous psychopath, while Sepheroth was a bit more complicated and devout to his cause.

    Anyway, I'm not sure what you're hoping to accomplish with any other that. If you want to create posts demeaning 7 then go right ahead. I'll reply as I see fit. Have a good time ;-)
  8. View Conversation
    Few interesting facts you should know about Final Fantasy VII. It's probably the worst translated game in franchise, barely beaten by Tactics. It has a serious number of bugs, and glitches, entire page on FF wiki, some walkthroughs are dedicated to formentioned issues. Materia system, while fun, is easily exploited, in other words flawed, making that little bit of difficulty obsolete. Care was not taken to preserve the original story of Final Fantasy VII while releasing Crisis Core, the official prequel, and Advent Children, the official sequel, in other words more flaws regarding the events in universe of Final Fantasy VII have appeared, prime example would be Shinra, and their view on promised land.

    Main events of Final Fantasy VII indicate that Final Fantasy VII was actually rushed, later confirmed by developers themselves. The game was left with quite a few questions, Aerith death, and resurrection as a part of rushed process, even somewhat clear parts are still discussed, Cloud beating Sephiroth makes less sense than Zidane beating Kuja. The main villain was but a mere copy of Kefka, final battle with Sephiroth was already seen in Final Fantasy VI, even some of the moves, and appearance were copied, which is stated and can be read on FF wiki as well, their relationship to their superior, even betrayel was the same, both went through various experiments, both were generals, and I could go on...even the love triangle was already seen in Final Fantasy VI. Not to mention the poor try to tie it down with X-2, not by fans themselves, but Square developers, which sadly is still done even though it raises more questions than answers.

    This my friend is what I call a sloppy, and rushed game, needless to say this was not based on a mere feeling. Having this in mind, should I respond to every claim of Final Fantasy VII being the very best game? Final Fantasy VII is called the very best game in franchise, seeing as it has ton of flaws, something you're particularly critical of, by your own logic I honestly don't see any reason, foundations for such title.
  9. View Conversation
    I'm quite familiar with your view on Final Fantasy IX, no need to repeat the same, thanks for sharing it though. I'm sure it's not in your interest, nor intention to bash Final Fantasy IX, though if you look at it you certainly leave such impression.

    What I was initially wondering, for someone who doesn't like Final Fantasy IX to begin with, nor has intention to bash it you certainly use every opportunity to demise it. And from what you wrote such behavior is justified by mere personal opinion, in other words you don't find it appealing, it's not in your top five, thus it can't be good, nor it should be loved. No offense, has it ever occurred to you that others may not share the same opinion as you, nor yours relevant to what others consider to be the very best game.
  10. View Conversation
    I'm rather curious, if you don't find it appealing, if it's bland, and boring as you say, why bother? what's with all these threads, I mean it's not like your gonna change your opinion, that is rather obvious to say the least. Why search for even the slightest opportunity to bash it? I personally wouldn't do the same with Final Fantasy V, too much work for game I don't give a damn about.
  11. View Conversation
    No see I'm not like you. I don't suck at easy RPGs, FFV takes 12 hours to beat, it would take you 40 because you don't know what Attack does. I like your 13 year old comebacks, make them up today because I've been hearing those for years. You mad Locke, it's ok. Go stroke your 2 inch epeen some more online. I'll be waiting for your next teenage comeback.
  12. View Conversation
    It is a 5 hour game because at the end it's 5 hours. That's why they add a time clock like that for that.

    Now hold on noob, I don't use a mac what so ever.

    now I can see why you can call it an obsession because well, I know you are pretty bad at all these games, from reading your old posts. So it's ok if you feel that way. My hookers? Well they shouldn't have charged so ****ing much.
  13. View Conversation
    Okay, so I typed the whole strategy but then realised I cannot tell it accurately enough to really be of any help...
    I can help you get a few things but cirtainly not anything too amazing. (IE:the zodiac spear) For example, have you the Esper, Zumerous the Comenderer? This beast of burden can be aquired through a semi-easy boss fight. First, sometime twords the end of the game,(I think it has to be after the death of the Gran Kiltias Anastacias) go to that big staircase area where all the people are praying and there are various Arcadian travelers and stuff. Go there and you will find a Nu Moh(They are the short dudes with the beards that are noramlly called Acolyte), talk to him and he will give you an item called Stone of the Comenderer, he will also tell you a story about a person who battled the Gods or somthing like that. Take this stone and go to the Stilshrine of Miriam, touch one of the little devices there,(The ones that you need to have the dawn shard equip earlier for, you know the ones!) you'll get a message saying the stone is reacting. Then you teleport to the fight with him, beat him and recieve his blessing!
    I know this is very general, but if you think that's bad, you should have seen me trying to explain the zodiac spear one!
    I'll type stuff later when I'm not in school.
  14. View Conversation
    Oh I've beaten the game mind you, it's just a matter of compleation... I messed up my "good saving" and that mean basically that I picked up a bad treasure chest and can no longer get the zodiac spear. I also killed the Earth Tyrant to quickly.(The dinosaur that makes the sandstorm.) He is vital for contronling weather and geting a sandstorm so I can fight entities and get that loot they drop that is really hard to spell and I just don't feel like looking it up.
    I've restarted my saving(but couldn't bring myself to delete 210 hours of work) and am currently in the Stilshrine of Miriam, I am just now going to get the Sword of Kings. (Basically a really weak defender. )
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Didn't care much about life until I got to live on my own. Going to school at UF was a blast. Great city, GO GATORS!! Then I moved to Orlando, found a lovely and beautiful wife, we adopted 3 kitties, 2 girls from China, and I love my life.
Orlando, FL
My Wife, the NFL, My 401K, playing at Disney, Vacations, Lost, Final Fantasy (of course), Tennis, Golf, great restaurants, and by the way I hate XBOX. Long live Playstation!!!!
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7 for overall goodness, then 8 for the junction, 10, and 6 for its depth of characters


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