
This is what I look like ya'll!
  1. These are my new glasses
  2. More from the loli shoot
  3. Teehee a vampire photo, I guess my back is on fire since there be no sparkles XD
  4. A wannabe "sexy" photo haha I try
  5. Photoshop, I was a lolita yay! And my first time wearing fake lashes, it was interesting.
  6. Bleh
  7. I wanted to be Bella from Twilight at a school thing so when I had long hair I waved it
  8. My friend Heather drew and colored this for me, its supposed to be me since I've always wanted to do this to my hair
  9. Haha look at that weaon!
  10. Vampy picture of me! Gawd im such a twitlight, this is the 2nd one I had done!
  11. Second Professional done by Chucks Photography
  12. Second Professional done by Chucks Photography
  13. Oh wow this is older than shit! At my homie Bridgettes B-day party I believe I was...sixteen lol
  14. I still had my beautiful long hair than, now I don't T^T
  15. Look at the reflection, totally cool!
  16. Photoshopped picture of me by mah friend Bridgette!
  17. First Professional Photoshoot byt Denise Richards
  18. Ganglight 
Ya get it, its a play off "Ganglife" and "Twilight" lol
  19. My fourth Professional photoshoot with Nikki Gilland, and eww my arm looks fat! >< 
And im not naked peoples, if you look hard you can see the...
  20. This is from my third Professional Photoshoot with Gustavo Alfaro
  21. This is from my third Professional Photoshoot with Gustavo Alfaro, my favorite!
Showing photos 1 to 22 of 22