- Date of Birth
- February 15, 1988 (37)
About Juice
- Biography:
- usually pretty sain... WARNING: Is known to bite
- Location:
- With my pup, in a house on a hill
- Favorite FF?:
- FFIX and V
- Occupation:
- school >_<
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v195/Zoe_Gurl/Vixen_copy.gif">
<font size="1"><FONT FACE="verdana">
<b>I Love My Puppy!!</b>
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v195/Zoe_Gurl/juice-animated.gif">
The Oldskool Cult Of Kefka
Da Auzzie Club
Dawezy, Piroblaze & Tiffany, Zell Dincht, Random.Delirium
W-Cid, Mojo_the_monkey,
Chalcedony & Holly valance
<b>¤guarded by¤</b>
Kou Leifoh & Keisuke Takahashi
Contrary to popular beliefe, i am sober sometimes