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102 Visitor Messages

  1. I figured it was your real name, because who chooses a screen name that is a normal every day name when it isn't your own.Unless it is. Is it? Is that why you like it, cause it's yours, cause people refer to YOU by saying it? Is your ego that big Vince?

    I'm just kidding around, it's 5:42 am and I am bored and giddy.
  2. at first it was
    ashe cloud zack
  3. no.....
    i just like it
  4. Are you a mobster by any chance? Vince is a very..mobster kinda name.
  5. =)
  6. Okay. I won't.
  7. ohh never mined
  8. What the hell are you talking about? Not like what?
  9. om not really like that
    nut only if someone makes me mad
  10. Nah, wasn't offended, I just have been around the whole forum thing for a while , been a mod, been a super mod, been an admin and all that, and I'm used to seeing people pretend to be mods all the time. Always kinda annoyed me. It probably wasn't my place to say anything, but nobody really knows me here, my reputation doesn't matter and I'm just here to say whatever comes to my head and have fun with it. So I do.

    I have to say though, I'm surprised you responded the way you did. I was expecting some sort of insult.
  11. wazzup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. View Conversation
    Obviously you had a problem with me telling diaryofjane that her thread was in the wrong section. Well, I'm terribly sorry if it seemed disrespectful or wrong in any way, I was just trying to be helpful. Sort of like when a little kid wants to help their mother make pancakes. It's an odd way to put it, but it's basically the same thing.

    So I just wanted to apologize if it offended you. I didn't know it was such a horrible thing to help someone out when none of the mods were around.
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