
  1. Final version of the banner I've been working on for a while now. Hurrah.
  2. New version of my other sig like this. Removed the side text, and moved my name to the corner, and slanted.
  3. Renders from Shaiyla, i think thats the spelling, Japenese - made MMORPG
  4. Burrrn
  5. Beast and the Harlot - Avenged Sevenfold 
I dont like this one much. Theres a problem I just can't put my finger on with it.
  6. Metallica - Saint Anger
  7. Zombies
  8. kelmas1 copy
  9. Me! 
Dodgy photography, I know, took it myself on my phone
  10. Ride for death! Ride for Ruin! Ride for the Red Dawn! 
Eddie render is taken from cover of The Trooper - Iron Maiden
  11. Splinter Cell... 
What waits in the shadows?
  12. Chorus of 'Warriors of the World Unite' by Manowar, one of my favourite bands
  13. Opening to 'One' by Metallica
  14. Have a guess what its based on
Showing photos 1 to 15 of 15